Disclaimer: Yep.

Note: I titled this after a song by Dana Glover, but only after the story was done. I've just had the song stuck in my head for weeks, and have been listening to it a ton. So, this is not a song-fic, but I think the lyrics ended up fitting the story.

Summary: CJ is very very blind. And this takes place while she's still the Press Secretary.


Danny balanced the bags in his hands as he walked through the hallways. He wished that he had asked for a bigger bag, to put all these small bags in. Too late now, he shrugged. He was almost there.


"Hey, what's up?"

Carol just shook her head. "What is all that stuff?"

"I brought you lunch." He looked over the bags before gesturing to one. "That one. And the one to the left of it."

She took the bags slowly, then peered into them. "Thai food. Her favorite."

Danny grinned sheepishly. "She's had a bad week. I was hoping to cheer her up."

Carol nodded. "Go ahead in. She's alone."


She put her food down long enough to open the door for him, realizing he couldn't with his hands full. He slipped inside and Carol closed the door behind him.



"What's up?" CJ looked at him warily.

Danny put the bags down on her desk, then pulled up a chair. "It's lunch time. You should eat."

She smiled and motioned towards the door. "Donna's getting me a salad."

"Open this bag." He held one out to her.

She sighed and put down her pen and folder. "Danny, I don't understand..." She trailed off as she smelled the spices.

"Open the bag."

This time she obeyed. She smiled widely. "Oh! You shouldn't have."

He handed her the utensils, wrapped in plastic. "Enjoy."

She watched him stand and a confused expression appeared on her face. "Where are you going?"

"To have a sandwich in the mess."

"Aren't you eating with me?"

He shifted his weight. "I didn't want to presume. I mean, just because I brought you lunch-"

"Sit down." CJ cut him off. "I want to have lunch with you. Just don't mention Russia."

He smiled and nodded, taking his seat again.

"Or pearls."

Danny chuckled, thinking of the hot stories of the past few days. "And string beans," he offered.

She groaned. "Yes, those too. All off-limits."

"Well, there go my conversation starters."

She laughed. "You're resourceful, I'm sure you'll come up with something."

He thought about this as he took a few bites of food. "How about them Yankees?"

"And sports." CJ told him. "Didn't I mention they were off-limits?"

Danny sighed dramatically. "You're not supposed to be the stereotypical woman, changing the rules in the middle of the game. Next you'll be asking if that outfit makes you look fat."

She tilted her head and stared at him for a moment, debating on whether to make his life easy or hard. "Well?" she finally asked. "Does this outfit make me look fat?"

Danny stared at her, looking for the hint of a smile that he was sure was just beneath the surface. He couldn't believe she was asking seriously, and yet her face showed no sign that she was joking.


"You're perfect." He burst out.

She jumped slightly. Her mouth opened slightly, but she just stared at him. The joke had suddenly turned into something more, she realized, and she couldn't form the words to stop it.

"You're gorgeous." The more he spoke, the faster the words came. "Sometimes I look at you and I can't believe you're real. I can't believe you even give me the time of day, let alone let me be your... friend." He stumbled over the last word, wishing he could substitute a different one. "You're perfect. Except..."

CJ took a deep breath, suddenly overwhelmed. "Except?"

Danny smiled softly. "You have sauce on your lip." He reached over and wiped it off with finger, then licked his finger. After a fleeting heated glance into her eyes, he looked down and went back to eating his food. CJ stared at him.

Her lips tingled, she realized with a jolt. She was a grown woman, she told herself. He had touched her to get food off her face, there was no reason for her body to be reacting the way that it was.

But there was, she realized with a jolt. She continued to stare at him, her world tilting at the realization she had just come to. She jumped up and quickly left the office, mumbling about a meeting.

She shut the door gently behind her and leaned against it, her eyes shut.


She opened her eyes slowly.

Carol gave her a concerned look. "Are you okay?"

"No." CJ whispered, then quickly changed her answer. "Yes, I'm fine."

"No, you're not." Carol frowned. "Did Danny say something to upset you?"


Carol put her hand on CJ's shoulder and dropped her voice. "Tell me."

"I just realized something." CJ hesitated, then stopped.

"About Danny?" Carol prompted.

CJ nodded absently. "I was sitting there. And then he looked at me. And it was. And then he."

"You realize those aren't complete sentences, right?" Carol smiled at her.

CJ focused on Carol, but didn't seem to hear her. "I'm in love with him."

Carol nodded. "Yeah."

"You knew?" CJ's eyes widened.

"Of course I knew."

CJ sighed and nearly whined at her. "Then why didn't you tell me?"

Carol stared at her for a long moment. "I thought you knew."

CJ finally shrugged Carol's hand off her shoulder and began pacing. "Of course I didn't know." She threw her hands up. "I can't be. This is crazy. A momentary lapse. I'm tired." She turned to face Carol. "That's what this is, tiredness. Nothing else."

Carol chuckled. "Whatever you say, boss."

CJ slumped. "It's not tiredness, is it?"

Shaking her head, Carol told her, "No. Now what?"

"Now what?" CJ echoed, confused at the question.

"What are you going to do?"

"I told him I was going to a meeting." CJ glanced over her shoulder at her office door. "I can't tell him this. Not now. Not yet."

Carol nodded in understanding. "At least go finish lunch. He went through all that trouble."

CJ's face softened into a smile and her face lit up. "He did, didn't he?"

"We can safely say we know what his feeling are." Carol reached for the doorknob. "Go eat lunch. Tell him, don't tell him. It's up to you."

CJ nodded and straightened up. "Yeah."

And although CJ looked calm, Carol still had to gently push her through the door once it was open.

As Carol closed the door behind CJ, a grin grew on her face. Then she picked up the phone. Donna needed to get over here quick, she thought. She'll love this new turn of events.


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