Part 2 in Moonlight trilogy.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for them...


Danny eased himself into the pool a few lanes away from CJ. He was amazed how easy it had been to get Josh to invite him to the gym again. Josh, he had realized, was extremely susceptible to being manipulated.

From what he could see, CJ had on the same bathing suit from the previous night. He shook his head with a small smile, then dismissed the thought. He swam a few laps, glancing up every few seconds to see where CJ was.

He slowed suddenly at one point, then kept swimming with a smile. CJ had moved over one lane closer to him. He did the same, and there were now just two lanes between them.

They did it again a few minutes later and were next to each other. Danny slowed to a stop and waited for CJ to draw near. When she did, he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer. She met his lips eagerly and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Hello," he whispered.

"Know what I found out?" CJ asked.

"That you can't follow orders?" He let his fingers travel suggestively down her side before she slapped it away.

"I knew that already. I found out that there is one security camera down here. It tapes everything, stores it automatically for a month, then gets taped over if no crimes are reported."

"No one watches the tapes?" Danny asked as he pulled her closer.

"Nope. Too many security cameras to watch in this place. We're underground, no way for anyone to, say, come in through a window. Low priority."

"What happens if there's a crime in here in the next month?" Danny didn't really care as he placed kisses on her ear and she ran her fingers up his chest.

"I'm going to see if I can... borrow tonight's tape."

"This is getting into things I shouldn't know." Danny smiled.

She laughed. "You asked."

He tried to reply, but she pushed him under the water. He came up sputtering, caught off-guard. Pulling her under, he kissed her.

CJ pulled away and broke the surface, taking a deep breath. "Trying to kill me?"

Danny grinned and pulled her back. "What a way to go," he whispered before pulling her underwater and kissing her again.

This time, she was prepared. She wrapped herself around him as they traded kisses under the water.

The third time they surfaced for air the warning bell began. Danny groaned. "Can we meet earlier tomorrow?"

She laughed. "I'll try. I can't promise anything."

"Let's go get coffee."


"Yeah. On our way home, let's stop someplace."

"Danny, I can't-"

He cut her off. "Or come to my place, I have coffee. Or tea. Or-"

She stopped him with a kiss. "You go home. I'm going back to work."

He stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Wow. I didn't realize..."

"It's okay," she assured him. "I love my job, I'm okay with the long hours." She swam away and pulled herself out of the pool. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He smiled, hoping she meant she'd be at the pool again. Her answering smile seemed to agree and he watched her walk away.


Part 3- Moonlight Sonata