Disclaimer: I went away on vacation, and look what I found! But then I got back and realized they aren't mine, they were just taking a vacation with me.

This story came about from a conversation with soft lite. We were checking out this website: http://www.subreality.com/glossary/terms.htm and got to "Antific" which is defined as "A story in which an author abuses and/or kills off the cast of a show, book, or story he/she dislikes. Rather childish, but sometimes funny. " Well, the first 'i' gets a bit lost in that word, and there was some confusion over what "Antfic" had to do with fanfiction... so here's the result.


"Are you sure that's what you want to do?"


CJ nodded. "Okay, Governor." She made a note in her notebook. "I think we can make it work."

"He'll be seen as down-to-earth." Sam mused aloud.

"Folksy." Toby said, with barely disguised condescension.

CJ silenced him with a look. "The voters will relate to him."

Toby shrugged but didn't say a word, which CJ took as a victory.

Leo nodded. "Make it happen."

"Thank you." They filed out the room, CJ leading the way. Carol met them at the door.

"Carol, we'll need someplace with picnic tables. Hamburgers, hot dogs, ketchup, other things."

She nodded as she jotted notes.

"Other things, CJ?" Toby asked her. "Like bugs?"

"Find out local traditional picnic food, Carol."

"A picnic." Carol nodded, holding back a smile at the images in her mind. "In what state?"


"Shut up, Josh. Everyone get away from me while I try to get some work done."

The guys scattered while CJ and Carol began their planning.


"It's not raining!" CJ told Sam four weeks later.

"Are you sure? Did you watch the Weather Channel?"

CJ stared at him. "No. I looked outside."

"Oh." Sam shrugged. "I guess you can do that too."

"How have you ever gotten a date?"

"Dumb luck." Sam nodded cheerfully.

"Okay." CJ moved to speak to Carol. "Are we set?"

"All ready." Carol smiled. "Now we just need people."

"We're running a bit behind schedule, but everyone should be there by four."

Carol rushed off to the park where the picnic was taking place. CJ hurried to find Toby, who was still trying to convince the Governor that an outdoor event, any outdoor event, was a bad idea.


"Looks like it worked out."

"Shut up."

"Why, Toby, you look sick." CJ teased him. "Are you allergic to fresh air?" She put her hand up to feel his forehead but he swiped it away.

"Go away. Now. Go away now."

CJ grinned. "I'm going to go check on the reporters. Danny wanted a couple minutes with the Governor tonight."

Toby waved her off.

She wandered around, checking on various things until she came to the small group of reporters. "Everything okay?"

They nodded, busy stuffing their faces with the abundant food.

"Nice tablecloth, CJ."

CJ bit back a smile. "Is there something wrong with the tablecloth, Daniel?"

"Red and white." He held up a corner of the cloth. "Very traditional. Did you pick it out?"

"Come with me."

Danny stood, whispering loudly to the table, "I hope I'm not in trouble."

The other reporters smiled, a bit awed by the famous reporter. He had proven to be an easy going guy, but they still watched themselves around him.

CJ and Danny fell into step. She led him to a semi-deserted corner of the park area.

"You can have twenty minutes on the record later tonight."

Danny nodded. "Great, what time?"

"About ten. And then if he's free after he'd like you to stick around to talk."

"Off the record?"


Danny smiled. "Sounds great."

"He's got room 325. If that changes, I'll let you know."

"What are you doing now?"

"Working, Danny." She raised an eyebrow.

"Have you eaten?"

"I haven't gotten a chance."

"I'm going to go get you something to eat." She started to protest but he kept talking and drowned her out. "And then you're going to come meet me for dinner."

"I can't eat dinner with you."

"I'll leave you after I see that you've gotten some food." He assured her.

She shook her head, not believing him. "I have work-" she was cut off by her stomach growling.

He grinned but tried to clamp it down. He stepped closer and placed his hand lightly on her stomach. "Dinner time," he whispered, then took his hand away before she could protest it being there.

She gave up. "Fine, just let me go take care of some things."

"If you're not over in ten minutes, I'll come drag you away."

"Drag?" CJ questioned him.

He nodded. "Drag."

She sighed. "Fine. You win."

They parted and she quickly finished her rounds. Then she followed the path she had seen Danny take.

Rounding a corner, she stopped.


"You stole a tablecloth."

"Borrowed." He corrected her, flicking an ant from the spot next to him. "Come eat."

She smiled and decided to give in. She sat down carefully on the red and white checked tablecloth, hoping her outfit wouldn't wrinkle.

Danny's eyes lit up as she sat, amazed that she had actually agreed to this. He had been expecting her to back out ever since he'd mentioned it.

"You stole all this food too?"


CJ laughed. "It looks wonderful."

Danny bit back the reply that had come to mind, that she looked wonderful too. Instead, he handed her the plate he had made for her.

She took it gratefully and they ate in silence for a few moments.

"What does the CJ stand for?"

"Claudia Jean." She glanced up. "But you knew that already. So you asked for a different reason."

He smiled, pleased. "And what reason would that be?"

"To see if I would answer."

He nodded. "You're quick." He studied her face for a moment, until she realized and stopped eating.

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"You'll make a good Press Secretary."

She smiled, satisfied with herself. "Because I figured you out?"

"Well, there's that. And you're gorgeous, the camera will love you."

She looked away with a shy smile. "Eat."

He grinned at her blush. "It's too bad the cameras can't see your legs."

"Why?" CJ bit her lip. "Don't answer that."

He ignored her second command. "You have great legs."


"You can tell me what a hunk I am if you want."

She smiled. "Really?"

"I know I have great legs."

CJ laughed. "Now that you mention it..."

He grinned. "Yes?"

"Are you done?"

"Checking you out? No." He glanced down and feigned surprise at the plate in his hand. "Oh, with dinner. Yeah."

She piled their dishes, then surprised him by leaning back and stretching her legs out. "It's really nice up here."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

She pulled herself back up to sit straight. He watched the wall come down on her eyes. "No comment."

"Okay." He leaned forward and was amused when she leaned back. "Hold still, you have something..." he pointed at her face.

"A bug?" Her eyes grew wide. "Where?"

"No, no bug. Let me..." he moved towards her with a napkin. He ran it lightly over her bottom lip.

"Thanks, I..." she trailed off as she realized how close his mouth was to hers. He dropped the napkin and ran his thumb lightly over her lip. She shivered slightly. His other hand covered hers on the tablecloth.

"CJ," he breathed before bringing his lips towards hers.

She heard the click and pulled away before their lips touched, her eyes slamming open. She jumped up and looked towards the path.

"Oh, CJ. Sorry." Donna lowered the camera she had at her eye.

"Donna, I need that film."


"You have to not say anything about this. And I need that negative so I can get rid of it."

Danny sighed but didn't say anything, knowing CJ was right.

"It's such a great picture, though." Donna protested. "You two looked so-"

"Donna!" CJ cut her off. She wanted to know what Donna was going to say, but not in front of Danny.

"Fine." Donna rewound the film. "But there are some great pictures in here."

"What if he doesn't win?"

CJ glanced down at Danny. They eyes met and held. "I'll hold the film and decide what to do with it."

Donna handed it over before loading another roll and continuing down the path.

CJ silently gathered up their garbage and turned to go, leaving him to deal with the tablecloth he was still sitting on.


She stopped but didn't turn.

"There wasn't anything on your lip."

She glanced back sadly. "I know."

Then she walked away, back to the picnic.

Three months later, she cried as she pulled the negatives out of a roll of film.


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