Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Can I claim this term? Did I make up the term 'snatches' or was it in my subconscious from another source? Oh, you mean the characters! Oh, nope, they're not mine.

Note: What is a snatch? Basically, the hot part of a story that everyone seems to comment on. I decided it was easier sometimes to just write those parts and not even go through the bother of the other parts. Otherwise known as (I later found out!) PWP. "Plot? What Plot?" There are no plots here, they have all been banished to... Plotland... Yeah, that's it...

I considered not doing any more of these, for various reasons... but here they are anyway. 5 again, same as always! Thanks for the push, soft lite.


She walked out the back door of the lecture hall, tired but pleased with how well the President was doing tonight. She sighed as the door shut behind her, slowly blocking out the noise of the crowd and the speakers. Only when it was silent did she realize how loud it had been in the crowded room.

She sighed and leaned against the wall, closing her eyes. Glad for the moment to gather her thoughts and be alone, she smiled faintly.

"CJ?" His hand touched her cheek and she wondered if she had fallen asleep standing there since he had managed to sneak up on her.

Deciding she didn't care, she turned her head to kiss the hand at her cheek. She opened her eyes and met his, nearly on fire as he looked at her. He leaned closer slowly, giving her time to come to her senses and back off. She glanced quickly down the deserted hall before rushing to meet his lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pressed her back against the wall. His hands ran down her suit, wishing it was unbuttoned.

Or that his mind was clear enough to unbutton it himself, since all thoughts were leaving him as she continued her assault on all his senses. Fireworks exploded behind his closed eyelids as her lips danced over his and her fingers curled themselves in his hair. The scent of her nearly overwhelmed him as he pushed away his earlier thoughts- of surprising her as she stood alone. Obviously, he decided, she had more surprises than he did up her sleeve. He briefly wondered where she had learned to kiss so well, then pushed the thought away when he realized he didn't want to know.

She pushed him slowly away as she heard the resounding applause from the room behind her. She was glad the President had been so well-received, but she was even gladder that the clapping had been loud enough to break through her mind, soaked with thoughts of the man staring at her.

She kissed him again, softer this time, before smoothing his shirt. Their eyes caught and she read so many promises in there. She smiled and shook her head before straightening her own outfit. She moved out of the arms which still surrounded her at the wall. Without a backward glance, she slipped back through the doorway.


She had her eyes closed. Laying on her couch, she struggled to block out the world for just a few moments. She knew someone would come bursting through her door any minute. Maybe her assistant, with an important call on Line 1. Or the gruff man down the hall, sure the world was really ending this time.

Instead, she heard the door open and close softly. She was shocked, no doors were ever closed softly around here. Looking up, her face lit up in a smile. Her expression grew more amused as he carefully locked the door behind him.

She sat up, giving him room to sit down next to her. He did, breathing just one word: "CJ" before bringing his lips to hers. She sat for a fraction of a second, before her body took over from her brain. She wrapped her arms around his neck and yielded under his mouth. His hand placed itself at her back, cradling her as he eased her back down to where she had been laying before.

Breaking apart, she gulped air before attaching her lips to his again. She pulled his tie with her as she settled back onto the couch. He fought to keep his full weight off of her, though neither would have noticed if he hadn't. She fiddled with the tie still in her hand before moving to the buttons under the tie. When she had released the first button and came in contact with his skin, she seemed to come to her senses.

He chuckled as she looked around sheepishly at her office. He brushed the hair out of her eyes and gave her one last kiss before slipping out of her embrace. He spared one last glance at her flushed body, still on the couch, before quietly opening the door.


A soft knock on her office door didn't even cause her to look up. She held up one finger to indicate to her visitor she would be with them soon. She hurried through the pile of paperwork as her door shut, lost in her own world as her hand lowered and she forgot someone had even come into the office.

Suddenly, a voice in her ear whispered, "CJ."

Her head shot up as she realized her late night intruder had walked behind her without her even realizing it.

She opened her mouth to throw him out, to remind him that he shouldn't be here, alone with her.

But the words became a contented sigh as his skilled hands began their work on her neck. As he massaged her neck, then her shoulders, her eyes slammed shut.

He grinned at the effect he had on her, glad she was relaxing at his touch. The smile faded as she moaned softly, only audible to him because of the silence in the room. His hands stilled and he swallowed roughly before spinning her chair around.

He watched her eyes open, slowly and sleepily. She blinked up at him as he touched her face. Before she could move to protest, he leaned down to touch her lips with his.

He had meant it to be a light kiss, just enough to torture himself with during sleepless nights.

She had other ideas, apparently. She wrapped her arms around his neck and slowly stood, never losing contact with his lips as she brought their heights closer.

He smiled, and briefly wondered how hard it would be to get her over to the couch. That thought, however, brought up a flood of other, forbidden images and he quickly clamped down the thought in favor of savoring the moment he did have.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and dragged her closer, his fingers slowly pulling at the blouse covering her back, struggling to find skin. His other hand had already found skin and he continued his slow, gentle touches on her face as his mouth continued its assault on hers.

She clung to him, her fingers tangling in his hair as she struggled to shut off her brain. Sighing against his lips, she gave up. She pulled away, eyes still closed as her fingers moved to memorize his face.

When she opened her eyes, he was staring into them, a resigned expression on his face. She smiled shyly and was rewarded with a new expression- hope. In her eyes, he saw a promise. He clung to that promise as his hands fell slowly from her body and he walked out the door.



He barreled through her door and slammed it behind him. His ears were nearly blowing smoke but he faltered when he realized she was standing just a few inches from him. He had expected to find her behind her desk; he had rehearsed his verbal attack with thoughts of her sitting.

Instead, she stood in front of him, one eyebrow raised as she waited for his tirade to begin.

The tiny smirk she tried to hide decided it for him.

He reached for her, roughly and suddenly. His notebook and her files fell to the floor as he pulled her body into contact with his. His mouth quickly found hers and his tongue demanded entry.

She recovered immediately and her body melted into his. Their tongues danced around each other as she struggled to remain standing on her weak legs.

The blood pounded in his ears as thought completely left his brain. He came up for air and stared at her. He took in her appearance, the glasses still perched on her face. Suddenly, the only thought in his mind was the realization of where they were.

His mouth opened, but nothing came out. Finally, he broke his gaze on her and bent to retrieve his notebook.

She watched him leave, two fingers on her lips as she smiled. Her day had just gotten a bit brighter.


He typed furiously, glancing at the clock on his computer every few moments. He typed faster, not looking up even when his door opened and a body stood next to him. Anyone who would come into his office without knocking also knew enough to wait to talk to him while he was typing.

Then he felt the hand in his hair. His fingers stilled on the keys as he glanced up, knowing it could only be...

"CJ." He smiled up at her. She said nothing, a small smile on her face as her fingers weaved their way through his curls. Finally, she ran her fingers down his cheek to his beard. His breathing grew more ragged until he couldn't stand it anymore. He grabbed her hand and pulled, easing her onto his lap in one swift movement.

Her smile grew as she settled herself onto his lap. She looked at her hand, still grasped in his. She lowered her head, giving him time to do the one thing she knew he wouldn't- push her away.

Their lips met, softly. It was with that connection that he was finally sure that he wasn't dreaming. His arm dragged her closer and the kiss turned desperate and hot. They hadn't shared a kiss in forever, it seemed to them both, and he wanted to be sure she would remember. He dropped her hand in favor of other skin. Suddenly he was glad she had worn her shirt untucked under her suit jacket today. The late hour had convinced her to throw the jacket aside, giving him easy access to her body.

Their kisses grew more frantic as he brushed his fingers across her back. He fiddled with the clasp on her bra until she realized where his hand was. She pulled back, an amused expression on her face as she pointedly looked around the room. Only then did he remember where they were. Even with the late hour, they weren't assured that they would continue to be alone. He groaned and pulled his hand from under her shirt reluctantly. She kissed him again, gentler this time as she straightened the tie that she had loosened while he had been busy under her shirt. He grinned sheepishly as he realized what she had managed to do without him realizing. All the more reason to not take this any further at the moment; if his mind hadn't even registered her touch there was no way it would notice another person coming into the room.

She stood up slowly before bending to kiss him again. He traced a finger down her neck to her newly exposed skin until she swatted him away and quickly straightened. She shook her head at him before turning away. He watched her walk away, watched the door shut completely behind her, before sighing and turning back to the story in front of him, although he suddenly couldn't remember anything about it.


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