Disclaimer: None of this is mine... And I mean none, the idea is Lauren M's! So beat up Lauren, not me! (Bet you didn't expect violence when you agreed to take the blame for this one, did you ;) ??)

Summary: CJ knows she can "have" Danny anytime she wants, as evidenced by the infamous scene in Inauguration... but what if she's wrong?

This sort of follows "The Wrong One," but both can be read on their own, it just sort of fits in together.


Carol stood at the door to CJ's office. She cleared her throat to get CJ's attention. "Danny's here."

CJ raised her eyebrow. "He's back? Okay."

"Can I send him in?"

CJ blinked. "Give me a minute."

Carol nodded and closed the door to give CJ her minute. CJ took a deep breath to calm the butterflies in her stomach. When the door finally opened, her face was carefully fixed in careless welcome.

"Look what the cat dragged in."

"Hey, CJ." Danny fidgeted in the doorway.

"Come on in, sit down."

"Can I shut the door?"

Something flickered in CJ's eyes, but it was gone when he blinked. "Yeah, sure."

He did, then sat. He looked around the office, then stood and began pacing.

"What's wrong?" CJ broke the silence.

That stopped him. He stared at her. "Nothing." He began to smile. "Actually, everything is great."

"Care to share? Good news is always welcome." CJ smiled at him.

"I'm getting married." Danny announced, smiling broadly now.

The light in CJ's eyes died as the smile hardened on her face. She fell silent until she realized that she hadn't said anything. "That's great." She stood quickly, gathering papers. "I wish I could stay and talk about it, but I need to go see Toby. Congratulations."

"CJ." Danny stopped her when she reached the door. "Would you come to the wedding? It's this Saturday."

"That's fast." CJ blurted out before she could stop herself.

Danny's smile faded a bit. "Well, we've known for awhile, I just haven't had a chance to come tell you."

CJ's jaw dropped. "Well. Okay, I'll let you know."


She stopped and turned back to him.

"Nothing." He told her softly. "Go ahead."

She rushed out of the room as Danny followed her out to tell Carol.


She whirled around. "Josh?"

"I have to talk to you."

"Walk with me."

"I don't know how to say this." Josh began, looking uncomfortable. "I just heard that Danny's..."

"Engaged. I know. He told me."

Josh stared at her. Despite the calmness of her voice, he also heard a flatness that worried him.

"Do you want to..." Josh looked around nervously. "I don't know, talk?"

CJ stared at him. "No, why would I.... No." She left him standing in the hallway, staring after her.

She knocked on Toby's door. He glanced at her, then began ranting. "And there's no way we're going to get behind Congressman Baker. I don't care who he is, he has to realize that he cannot push us around on this!" He stopped when he realized she wasn't arguing with him. He looked at her closely, then silently reached behind her to close the door. He led her to the couch.

"Sit." he sat opposite her and fiddled with his tie. Finally, he cleared his throat. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." she managed to get out. "I'm fine. Now, Congressman Billings?"


"That's what I meant."

"CJ." He waited.

She sighed. "Danny's back."

Toby's face hardened. "What'd he do?"

"He's engaged."

Toby stared at her, waiting for the punch line.

"That's it." CJ jumped up and began to pace. "He's getting married Saturday. He invited me to his wedding..." She stopped abruptly in front of him. "His wedding, Toby."

He simply stood there as CJ stamped her foot. "He just waltzes in here, after how long? No warning."

"And you're... jealous?"

She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I don't know what I am. I just need to go home. Of course, I can't since it's only 10:30 in the morning!"

"Do you want to sit in here, I can tell everyone I don't know where you are."

CJ gave him a tired smile. "Maybe later. I just need to face this. And Danny, since I ran out on him when he came to my office earlier."

Toby nodded. "I'm here, if you need to talk. Or yell."

She kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks."

He watched her leave and sighed. If this soap opera had to happen, he thought bitterly, couldn't it have waited for a slow day?

CJ breezed past Carol, telling her, "Find Danny."

Carol stared at the closed door, but shrugged and obeyed.

"You wanted me?" Danny asked nervously. "To see me, I mean."

"Yeah, come in." CJ held onto her desk, seeking stability. "Close the door. I was short with you before. I'm sorry. And..." CJ swallowed heavily. "I can't be at the wedding, but good luck and congratulations."

Danny nodded. "I understand, it's tough to get any time off around here."

CJ nodded, content to have him believe that. "Maybe next time."

Danny looked at her, his eyes wide. "CJ!"

She smiled and told him weakly, "Bad joke, sorry."

"I wanted you to meet Cynthia."

"Cynthia." CJ tried out the name. "Pretty name."

"Isn't it?" Danny smiled dreamily and CJ suddenly hated her own name. She caught herself before she could finish contemplating changing her name back to Claudia.

Danny broke into her thoughts. "I've known Cynthia since we were kids. Our moms were best friends. We went to all the dances together because they thought it was cute. Thought we were cute together. They're still friends and when she and I were both home at the same time, they set us up."

"Childhood sweetheart." CJ felt sick. "That's... crazy." She couldn't force herself to tell him it was great or wonderful when all she wanted to do was throw up.

"Isn't it?" Danny said again, too preoccupied to come up with anything better. "She's so sweet. We were always such good friends. Funny, we never really dated when we were growing up, just those silly dances."

CJ silently took a deep breath. "I have some work to do, so you should probably go." She winced when she realized how harsh it had come out, but Danny didn't seem to notice.

"Okay," he told her cheerfully. "Let me know if you can get away from work, I'd really like for you to come."

CJ nodded her dismissal and Danny left, humming to himself. Josh caught him in the hall. "Hey, congratulations!"

Danny grinned. "Thanks. I was coming to see you later to invite you to the wedding. Saturday."

"Like this Saturday?" Josh's eyes widened. "In like two days?"

Danny smiled sheepishly. "It's been a little crazy."

"I, uh." Josh's eyes flickered to CJ's door. "I'll let you know."

"Sounds good." Danny told him cheerfully. "CJ can't get off, but maybe you'll have better luck."

Josh smiled absently. "Yeah. So, where'd you meet this girl?"

"We've known each other since we were kids. We lost touch and then we met again."

"And?" Josh prompted. "Sparks?"

"Not exactly." Danny mused. "We just seemed to fit. It was like we'd never been apart. She's so great."

Josh smiled. "Well, that's great. I hate to do this, but..."

Danny waved him off. "But the White House senior staff can't stop to talk all day about Cynthia. It's fine, I'll catch up with you later."

He wandered off and Josh barged into CJ's office.

"Hey." CJ waved half-heartedly and tried to pretend she had been doing work.

"So I hear you can't get Saturday off."


He ignored the warning in her voice. "Funny, since you already have Saturday off."

She smacked her desk. "I can't go, okay? I just can't. I can't stand there while he..."

"You're not going to support your friend when he gets married?"

She winced and whispered, "We were never just friends. It was never about friendship." She raised her eyes to meet Joshs. "I just can't."

He nodded sadly. "I've been invited."


"Are you sure?" He asked. "I don't want you to think I'm against you."

"I'm fine," she sighed. "He's your friend, you should be there to support him. I should too, but I can't. Especially not on just two day's notice."

He nodded again. "Okay. If you need anything."

She smiled at him, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Thanks Josh."

He left, closing the door softly behind him.


"Oh, and congratulations are in order for Danny, our prodigal reporter. I'll let you fine reporters deal with that, that's a full lid." CJ escaped quickly while the reporters surrounded Danny. She was relieved her ploy had worked in getting her out of the Press Room quickly. She rubbed her head to ward off the tension headache, wishing she had read the article on pressure points more closely.


Friday, Danny was kept busy with last minute arrangements and didn't come into work. CJ relaxed when she knew he wasn't there, then berated herself for being aware of his absence without being told.

Josh appeared to tell her he was going to the wedding. He offered to be her date if she needed it. She smiled and it reached her eyes this time as she declined.

"If you change your mind..." Josh offered, knowing she wouldn't take him up on it.

Nothing else was said about the wedding in front of CJ, although there were heated talks between Donna and Carol all the way up to Leo and the President.

CJ didn't notice those around her walking on eggshells. She floated through the blessedly light day and left, intent on enjoying her day off.


"Josh!" Danny waved him over.

"Hey, Danny." They shook hands, then began to walk, too used to the walking meetings of the West Wing to stop even that day. "How're you doing?"

"Good!" Danny smiled. "I'm great. I... uh... guess CJ didn't come."

"No." Josh told him sadly. "She didn't."

Danny shrugged and attempted an upbeat tone. "Married to that job, what can you do?"

"Well, for a few more years, anyway."

"Yeah." Danny fell silent.

"Well, where's the love of your life?" Josh asked enthusiastically, trying to break the silence. "You can't see her today until she walks down that aisle, but I'd like to go say hi."

Danny stared at him for a moment, then shook his head. "I... later, I guess. Why don't you go find a seat, I need to take care of something."

Josh nodded and left him. Danny went to the back of the church and knocked on a door. A woman answered and refused him admittance, but he finally convinced her to leave and let him in.

"Cindy?" He asked softly. "You look beautiful."

She looked up sadly. "You're going to leave me at the altar, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry." He sat down and took her hand. "You're my closest friend. I do love you. But someone else has my heart."

"But, all this..." Cindy waved her free hand.

"I bought into the illusion, Cindy." He sighed. "I'm sorry. My mom convinced me that I wasn't getting any younger. And that we would have a good marriage." He looked into her eyes. "And we would have, I would have done everything I could have to make it work."

Cynthia shook her head sadly. "But it's not a good enough reason to get married. We can't build a life on memories and good intentions."

"Well, we could." Danny smiled at her. "But it wouldn't be fair to either of us. Can you honestly tell me you love me, that you're in love with me?"

"I love you, Danny." She sighed. "But I'm not in love with you. You're comfortable. I think I was giving up on sparks, they only happen in romance novels."

"They don't." She stared at him as he looked through her. "They happen in real life too."

"We should leave." Cynthia told him. "Let our mothers explain. They're the ones who talked us into this."

"Brilliant." He grinned. "Out the back door and into separate cabs." The scribbled a note and, giggling, snuck out the back door.

"Call me." Danny told her when he shut the door of her cab.

"Danny." He whirled around.

"No show today, Josh. Might as well go home."

Josh grinned. "She's not at work."

"What?" A faint smile appeared on Danny's face.

"She didn't have work today, she never did. She's at home. Do you have the address?"

Danny's smile grew. "Yeah, I've got it." He tapped his forehead. "Thanks."

Josh waved as he walked to his car. Danny flagged a cab and told the cabby the address.


"Come in." CJ called at the knock. She decided the wedding must have been short, if Josh was already at her apartment to discuss it. She didn't look up from the article she was highlighting as he walked in. "What's the world coming to? You can just walk in without being buzzed up. Guess they know you around here."

"No they don't."

Her head snapped up.

"I wish they did though." He continued.

"Danny." she whispered.

"I wish I was here so often that everyone in your building knew me."

She stared at him as he walked over and stood in front of her, gently prying the paper and highlighter out of her hands and throwing them on the table.

"I thought you were at work."

She swallowed. "I thought you were getting married."

He winced. "Change of plans. No sparks."

At her confused expression, he elaborated. "There's friendship and love between Cindy and I. But no sparks."


Danny pulled her up from the couch roughly. His mouth found hers and devoured her. She moaned at his hands on her body, as he slipped one hand under her sweater and touched bare skin. She pulled away, breathing heavily, but found herself trapped in his eyes.

"Sparks." He whispered.

Her eyes grew wide and she smiled shyly. "So now what?"

"I guess I have to wait for you."

She got worried. "Are you sure?"

"I've waited this long without doing anything rash."

She smiled and kissed him again. "Are you really sure?"

"I love you, CJ." He played with her hair. "And you love me. I know you do, I just forgot for a little while. I wanted it to be easy, but love isn't easy. We'll have our work cut out for us."

"I'll drive you crazy." CJ warned him.

"I know."

"I can be needy."

"I know. The amazing sex will make up for anything we have to deal with."

She laughed. He couldn't keep the silly grin off his face at hearing the sound. "Amazing?"

"Oh, yeah." He drew her closer. "You disagree?"

"I'd say let's test it." CJ held up her hand at his eager expression. "But there's still a conflict of interest."

"I know." Danny grinned. "I'll be wracking my brain for the next two years if that's what it takes."

"More than two," she reminded him.

"Hush, I'm rounding down."

"Want to stay?"

Danny sighed. "More than anything. But I should go calm my mother down."

"Okay." CJ reluctantly let go of him. As he walked towards the door, she stopped him. "I just... want you to know... I can't say 'I love you' just now. Not yet. Someday, though, I'll be able to tell you 'I love you' as much as I want."

Danny nodded, smiling solemnly. "I understand. I'll see you Monday."

"Call me later." CJ's hand shot up to cover her mouth, amazed at what she had said.

He nodded, trying to conceal his excitement, and left.


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