Disclaimer: Not mine

Summary: What if CJ hadn't gotten the 'chicken' question in the briefing?


"A what?"

Carol shrugged. "That's all he said. He bawked, then explained it was a chicken."

CJ stared at her, wondering if the stress of the job had finally gotten to Carol. Or maybe to her. Or, "Did he sound stressed out? Maybe the job is getting to him."

Shaking her head, Carol hid a smile. "He sounded fine, pretty proud of himself actually, for the message."

"Am I missing something?" CJ wracked her brain before stopping. "Oh."

"What?" Carol asked eagerly. "Did you figure out what he means?"

"I might have. Yeah, I think I know. Get him for me on the phone." Carol began to leave before CJ stopped her. "On second thought, I'll call him myself, don't need you listening in."

Carol blushed slightly. "Would I do that?"

CJ shook her head at Carol. "Do I need to list the times you've tried to listen in on my conversations with Danny? Not to mention this thing you have going on with Ben. Close the door behind you."

Carol stopped herself from sticking out her tongue at her boss. CJ picked up the phone as Carol left. "Pick up. Pick up your phone, you freak." she muttered to the rings.

She nearly growled when his voice mail picked up. "Daniel, I got your message. Not amusing and you know better than to leave messages like that at work. I need to talk to you, we need to work this out before I kill you for one of your stunts. My place, 11 tonight. If I'm not there on time, wait in the hallway like a bum."

She hung up, not bothering to leave her name, and stared at the phone. She took a deep breath and tried to force herself to block thoughts of Danny out of her mind for the rest of the workday. 'Chicken?' she wondered to herself. 'For not wanting to lose her job for dating him. Some nerve.' She exhaled slowly and picked up a file.


Pacing the room was not helping to calm CJ's nerves. She glanced at the clock for the fourth time in two minutes. "Ten fifty-eight. What, it would kill you to be early? You better not stand me up, you better have checked your messages. And I'm talking to myself, again."

A knock on the door stopped her mutterings. She stared at it for a moment, then tightened the sash on her robe and unlocked the door.

Danny tumbled in and she quickly shut and relocked the door behind him. Turning, he was just inches away. She pushed him away. "Take off your coat, come into the living room."

He obeyed, thinking that it was too bad she was so pissed. He could hear it in her voice. If she was in a better mood, he thought, the night could turn out very well for him.

"What's going on?"

"Sit." she pointed to the other end of the couch she was sitting on. As soon as he sat, however, she stood and began pacing again. He watched her for a moment, marveling at the changes that came over her face, projecting her shifting moods to anyone watching closely.

Abruptly, she stopped. "Your message today was ridiculous and uncalled for."

Danny tried to interrupt her. "It was a joke."

She cut him off. "Even worse that you left it with Carol. What were you thinking?"

After a moment of silence, Danny realized it wasn't a rhetorical question. "CJ, I don't understand what's the matter. It was a joke. Yeah, it was a bit unprofessional, but I was calling as a friend not a reporter."


"Yeah?" Danny was getting more confused by the moment. "Sit down. Talk to me. Are you that upset at the chicken thing that you're pissed that I mentioned it?"

CJ sat and stared at him. "What are you talking about?"

"The chicken thing. I figured you'd take Taylor's taunting with a laugh, and you'd get a kick out of my message and making Carol cluck, and..." At her confused expression, he trailed off.

"Who's Taylor?"

He stared at her moment. "The guy who called you a chicken."

"No." CJ shook her head. "You called me a chicken."

Danny began to laugh. As the confusion on her face deepened, he laughed even harder. He struggled to catch his breath. "I'm..."


He took a deep breath. "Sorry. You really didn't hear anything about Taylor Reid?"

CJ shook her head.

Danny took her hand. Softly, he explained to her what Taylor had said about her and what his message had meant. "I was just teasing you, CJ. Sorry it got all confused."

Staring at their hands, CJ struggled to not blush.

"What did you think my message meant?"

CJ rose abruptly, trying to untangle her fingers from his. He pulled her back down to the couch. "CJ?"

"Nothing. I didn't think anything."

Danny stared at her for a moment, her head down. He sighed. "It's like pulling teeth, you know?"

Her head shot up. "What?"

"Getting a straight answer out of you. It's what makes you a great Press Secretary, but a lousy person to have a crush on."

Her eyes caught on his. "CJ?" he whispered.

"Yeah?" she answered in the same tone.

"What'd you think I meant? With my message today?" he kept his voice low, realizing the effect it was having on her.

CJ smiled slightly. "I thought... well, I thought you meant I was a chicken because I wouldn't..."

As she paused, he prodded her. "You wouldn't what?"

She smiled at him. "I wouldn't..." she trailed off as she traced his cheek with her fingertips. She drew nearer, not quite believing what she was about to do. Danny's eyes grew wide as she leaned closer, then shut as their lips met. Tentatively at first, so soft that Danny was sure he was dreaming. His arm encircled her waist as he pulled her closer. She responded by deepening the kiss until Danny knew his head was going to explode. She pulled away first, a tiny smile still on her lips.

Danny gaped at her. He struggled to catch his breath. On the third try, he finally managed to get out, "Can I taunt you again tomorrow?"

She laughed, unreasonably happy at the power she seemed to have over him. "Not about this, I've shown you I'm not afraid to kiss you again."

"I'll find something." He assured her.

"For now, you should leave." She stood up, still clasping his hand. He tried to pull her back down to the couch again, but she pulled harder and he ended up standing. "It's late. I have to go wake Carol up to figure out this Taylor Reid thing."

"For the sake of Carol's beauty sleep, I think I should stay here and distract you."

"You do, huh?"


"Too bad I don't take advice from reporters. I need to call Carol."

"Alright, go ahead. I'll sit here and not say a word." Danny ran his fingers down her neck and whispered. "Not a word."

CJ struggled not to shiver as he touched her. She put her hand over his, stilling it. "Danny."

He sighed. "I know. One day, though, you won't say no."

She smiled at him. "Count on it."

Danny shocked her by drawing her into a hug. She waited for him to pull back, to kiss her again. But he didn't and she felt herself relaxing as his arms stayed around her. "Danny?"

"Shhh." he told her softly. He pulled away and kissed her cheek. She watched him walk to the door and grab his jacket. He turned and blew her a kiss. Blushing, she smiled.

And he left.


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