Disclaimer: I own them all! Haha! Alright, only Danny... okay okay, only the temp. Dang, can't I have any fun?

Summary: CJ gets a new temp. This may be the first of a series, depending on if people like the new character.



"Is still not here."

CJ glanced up. "Oh, right. You know, it would be easier if you just changed your name."

Cindy smiled. "I'll keep that in mind. She should be back in a few days."

"Fine, fine." She went back to her papers as Cindy stood in the doorway.

"Ms. Cregg?"

"I'm not answering you."

Cindy sighed. "Sorry. CJ?"

She looked up. "Yeah?"

"Did you need something? You did call for Carol, remember?"

"Right, thank you. Take this." CJ handed her a sheet of paper. "I need phone numbers for those people. I need to call them later."

"Anything else?"

"That's it, thanks Carol."

Cindy began to speak, then shook her head and left instead.

"She in?"

CJ sighed as she recognized the voice outside. "She's gone, never to return!" she yelled to the outer office, but it did no good.

"Hey, how're you doing?"

"Danny, I don't have time for this."

"Fine, I'll go talk to Cindy instead."


Danny stared at her moment before realizing she was serious. "Your assistant. I know she's only been here for a few hours, but you should know her name by now."

"Ten, she's been here ten hours. And why would you go talk to her, you don't even know her and she'll be gone in a few days. Can't use her as a source."

Danny's eyes widened and he laughed. "Are you kidding me?"

"What's so funny?"

"CJ, Cindy is my niece. Nobody told you?"

CJ stared at him a moment before screaming, "Carol!"


"I'm sorry-"

"And furthermore, this is-"

"Would you just listen to what she's saying to-"

A piercing whistle stopped all three from their bickering. "What's going on in here?" Toby bellowed at them. As they all began to speak again, he shook his head. "No, CJ you speak. Danny and you, new girl, stop."

CJ sighed. "Toby this is Cindy, she's been my assistant today. I just found out she's Danny's niece."

"Alright, Cindy? Your turn."

"I'm sorry Ms. Cregg. I was sure I mentioned that this morning. And the people who assigned me here know who I am, they know I would never give him any information or anything."

"Danny?" Toby turned to him. "What's your problem?"

Danny began to speak, then stopped. "I actually don't have one, I just happened to be in the room when CJ found out."

"Then you can go." Toby dismissed him.

"I need to run a quote by CJ before deadline."

"Fine, step outside for a moment then."

He turned to the two women as Danny left. "Cindy was it?"

"Yes, Mr. Ziegler."

Toby sighed. "You know about not leaking stories to the press, right?"

"Of course."

"You can go back to your desk, close the door behind you please." Toby waited until she was also gone before turning to CJ. "What's going on?"

CJ shrugged and slumped down into her chair.

"I guess I overreacted. It's just..."

"She had to be related to Danny, didn't she?" Toby finished for her. "That guy just keeps showing up everywhere, doesn't he?"

CJ sighed. "I'm fine, I just wasn't expecting..."

"Let's just hope this isn't another excuse of his to hang around this office." CJ glared at him and he smiled. "Although at least this would be a legitimate excuse."

CJ laughed. "Get out. Send Nimrod in, I'll be fine."

Toby shook his head at her. "Just keep avoiding him, it'll be fine."

He left in time to miss CJ mutter, "That's what you think."


"Stop walking on eggshells, I'm fine!"

"You're screaming and yelling at me, of course you're fine." Danny shot back. "I'm just trying to be nice, since I seem to be at the root of all your troubles."

"Nice?" CJ's thoughts wandered to how she wished he'd be very nice to her. She dragged herself back to reality and sighed. "Is that it?" she asked in a much calmer voice.

"It's going to run tomorrow."

"Fine, fine." CJ waved him away, already opening another folder on her desk.

Danny stared at her a moment longer, then smiled faintly. He shut the door softly and she glanced up.

"Danny?" she whispered. "The door is closed."

"Oh, how did that happen? Maybe you should come open it."

CJ stool up warily. "What are you doing?" She walked towards the door as he stepped aside for her. Just as she reached for the doorknob, he reached for her. He eased her against the wall as he kissed her thoroughly. She clung to him, feeling suddenly weak. He plundered her mouth as she was overwhelmed by her senses.

As he released her, she took a shaky breath. "What was that for?"

Danny shrugged. "Hey, you didn't need a reason to grab me and kiss me."

"But that was-" CJ broke off before she could finish. She thought of the passion of that kiss compared to the tame ones she had given him. "Never mind. Go back to work."

Danny smirked at her. "I'll be around, if you want me."

CJ noticed his slight emphasis on 'want', but decided to let it go for now. She really did have work to do.

As he walked out, she yelled to her assistant. "Carol! No talking to crazy reporters."

Danny and Cindy both yelled back. "Cindy!"

"Right." CJ muttered to herself.


"Uncle Danny really likes you."

CJ's head shot up. She managed to choke out, "What?"

"He's talked about you, says you're the best Press Secretary he's ever seen. And he says you're really nice and very professional."

CJ relaxed. "Oh, that's nice of him to say. Your uncle is a great reporter, although I'm sure you know that."

Cindy smiled. "It's weird to see him here. I always just think of him as crazy Uncle Danny."

"Crazy?" CJ put her pen down to concentrate on Cindy.

"Like, when he used to baby-sit for my sister and I, he'd dress up in our princess clothes and walk around talking in a high pitched voice. Oh, and he used to tell us we would help him make a world class dinner, that he learned all about cooking in France, and we'd make macaroni and cheese." Cindy laughed. "My sister and I thought we were making complicated French food when he spoke with the accent."


"Oui, mademoiselle." CJ and Cindy winced.

"That's a horrible accent, Danny." CJ told him. "How did you ever fool two smart girls with that?"

Danny leaned against the doorway and grinned at them. "Practice. Now, Cindy, why are you telling all these stories about me? Trying to ruin my tough guy reputation?"

CJ choked back a laugh. "Sorry, umm, something stuck in my throat."

Danny glared at her. "Just for that, you owe me. C'mon, I'm taking you two to dinner."

Cindy glanced at the clock. "It's 10:30 at night."

Danny shrugged. "Yeah, I know it's a bit early, but c'mon. CJ?"

"Well." she bit on her lip. "I guess that'd be okay. But-"

"Great!" Danny cut her off. "Let's go then."

He started out the door as Cindy turned to CJ. "Early?"

CJ laughed. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it. You're probably too dependent on sleep, you'll get over that."


"And he fell flat on his face." Cindy grinned at Danny. "I told you my skates wouldn't fit you."

Danny laughed with her. "Yeah, yeah. But then if I had listened you wouldn't have these great stories to embarrass me with in front of CJ."

CJ finished her fries as she silently watched them chat. Obviously, the two were very close and she was enjoying seeing a different side of Danny.

Cindy stifled a yawn. "I think I'm going to call it a night, I have to be up in..." she glanced at her watch and winced. "Never mind, maybe I just won't go to sleep at all."

CJ smiled at her. "You'll get used to it, I promise."

The three began to gather their belongings as Danny pulled out a credit card. CJ noticed. "Danny?"

"Forget it, CJ. Consider it, I don't know, your birthday present."

CJ considered, then let it drop. "Thank you."

"Hey, you guys don't have to leave." Cindy realized they were getting ready to follow her out. "You're more used to this schedule than me, stay and have fun."

They exchanged uneasy glances before Danny spoke. "It's not that simple, Cin. If we're photographed here together, there could be big trouble for both of us."

"I don't understand."

"We've been warned to stay away from each other." CJ bit her lip before deciding how to proceed. "If anyone realizes who we are, it could be big news."

"Is that why you put me in the seat between you two?"

CJ looked down. "Was it that obvious? Yeah, it would be too easy to crop you out if a sleazy magazine wanted to make trouble for us."

Danny tried for a lighter tone. "And if you had to leave the table for any reason, one of us would have stood over there in dark glasses until you came back."

"And a mustache?"

"Yeah." Danny told her.

"CJ, did Danny ever tell you about the Halloween when--" Danny covered her mouth with his hand, muffling the story.

"Not now, Cindy, let's wait until CJ's not here to tell her that particular story."

"That good, huh?" CJ took Cindy's arm and pulled her forward as the walked out the door. "You'll tell me at work later, alright?"

Danny just groaned as he followed the two out, wondering what he had gotten himself into.




CJ's head shot up. "Carol! You're back!" She jumped up to give her a hug. "Are you all better?"

Carol grinned at her. "All better, I won't get you sick now."

"Thank goodness."

"So, how did Cindy do?"

"Well," CJ considered. "She knows how to use spell check."

"Hey! I've only been back a few minutes, cut me some slack."

"Did you read the dictionary while you were sick?"

"Too busy making a voodoo doll of you."

"What?" Carol and CJ both looked towards the door.

"Oh, hey Cindy. This is Carol."

"Ah, makes sense now." Cindy came in the room to shake Carol's hand. "Glad you're back."

"I'll bet you are."

CJ shook her head. "You are aware I'm standing right here? You know, your boss?"

"Not mine anymore." Cindy reminded her.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. Carol?"

"I'm going, briefing in ten."

CJ nodded as Carol left. "Cindy... how would you feel about working here full-time?"

"What? I'd love it, but how?"

"One of the secretaries is going on maternity leave, and she's told us she probably won't be back. She wants to be a stay-at-home mom. So, you can't have Carol's job but you would still be working in the West Wing."

Cindy grinned. "That sounds great! Oh, wow, this is so exciting."

"Better go tell Carol, since I'm sure she's bursting with curiosity over that... and the last couple days."

Cindy nodded and left. Before the door closed behind her, CJ heard Carol greet Cindy. "Now, did I hear this correctly. You're whose niece?"

CJ groaned and buried her face in her hands. She wondered what she would be in for in the next couple weeks with the two of them. After all, Cindy had only been around for a few days and already CJ and Danny had spent time together outside of work. With Carols help, she thought, who knows what would happen next.


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