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Name: Amanda Reichert
Location: United States

I am currently working on my Master's Thesis, but I procrastinate by reading all the books I can! In the meantime, I have a good job with fun people.

Friday, April 25, 2008

March of the Hooligans: Soccers Bloody Fraternity

March of the Hooligans: Soccers Bloody Fraternity
By Dougie Brimson
9780753512937 194p

Shame this is the only book by Dougie Brimson my library system has. Interesting overview of the Hooligan movement, very short book so it couldn't be more than an overview. I loved Green Street Hooligans, which he wrote (didn't realize that until I read the intro!). I don't see hooliganism taking root in America, though. Soccer will never be as big here. It's hard to large groups of fans to get to away games like they do in Europe. But he could be right, the rivalry between DC United and the Red Bull fans has already led to violence, I know (but luckily have only seen on YouTube!). For now, it is fun, not dangerous. 5 years down the road, who knows? I'll be sticking with the ESC for now, but keeping an eye out, in case Dougie Brimson is right.

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