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Name: Amanda Reichert
Location: United States

I am currently working on my Master's Thesis, but I procrastinate by reading all the books I can! In the meantime, I have a good job with fun people.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Republic of Pirates

The Republic of Pirates
By Colin Woodard

As you should know by now, I adore books about pirates. But this one wasn't that good. It ignores the first 20 years, along with all the pirates from that era, dismissing them as privateers. Yes, there was a difference between pirate and privateer but many of the men who had license to be privateers... well, they bent the rules and became pirates along the way, attacking ships they weren't supposed to. The author picks and chooses, deciding himself who was a pirate and who wasn't. Henry Morgan isn't (who knew? Seemed like a pirate is Empire of Blue Water!) because he became a well-respected man at the end, yet so did some of the 'pirates' in this book? Too many names, not enough substance. And what was the story behind that ship that went and saw the Whydah after it sank, it's never explained and it's really bugging me! (Yes I tried google, no luck there)

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