Disclaimer: You thought I owned them? Wow, are you stupid! (whoo hoo, finally used that quote in my header!)

I don't own any of the characters, Lida owns one of them... Even the title is from somewhere else!

Notes (lots of them, indulge me- it's a long story and these are the only author notes): Here it is... the never-aired scenes from West Wing! This story follows along with the "real" show, eventually. I actually watched every episode, in order, as I wrote this. I'll post on each part where each scene goes. For example, some scenes are from the middle of an episode while others occur after. I'll let you know so you can watch along and realize what you missed!

For anyone who cares, this ended up being 105 pages when I finally typed it out.

Nothing in here actually contradicts anything from TWW. So yes, some of this is sad and angsty (is that a word?) and some people will not like me for it I bet... but it will (hopefully) be a fun ride!
This covers until the end of season five with possible sequels when season six airs. Well, here goes:


I glanced at the clock and sighed. It was time to meet with yet another reporter. A knock on my door confirmed it.


Carol, my new and very efficient assistant, opened the door. "CJ? Daniel Concannon is here. Washington Post."

"Thanks Carol." I stood, a cool smile firmly in place as Daniel was shown into the area called my office. I knew I was lucky, I actually had a door. I also knew it wasn't because of me, it was to keep the reporters separate from Governor Bartlet until he wanted them. Still, it was nice.

"Ms. Cregg." The newest reporter had his hand out to shake mine.

"Why don't you call me CJ?" I smiled at him.

He smiled back. "Good idea. That way you'll be on friendly terms with the reporters when you get to the White House."

I nodded and now my smile was genuine. "I know," I told him, oddly pleased that he seemed to have faith in the Governor being elected. "Why don't you sit down, Daniel?"


I nodded my acceptance and took a good look at him. A bit scruffy, but good looking. The curly, unruly hair just begged to be smoothed down. I forced my thoughts back to business, amused that they had strayed. Also a little concerned.

As I went over itineraries and procedure, his eyes never left my face. I began to wonder if he was even listening and felt myself beginning to blush under the close scrutiny. To hide how his gaze was affecting me, I went for the flip comment. "Take a picture, it lasts longer."

To my dismay, all he did was smile.

I fumbled on. "What are you staring at?"

"You." He seemed amazed that he had said anything. Talking seemed to have broken the spell and he now fumbled for words. "I'm sure you get told too often how beautiful you are. I just wasn't expecting..." He waved his hand towards me and his eyes flickered down my body appreciatively. "You're not what I was expecting. I was caught off guard."

I dropped my eyes for a moment, then looked back up with a smile firmly in place. "Well, okay. I have another meeting, so I'm going to have to go."

I stood, trying to hide how his words has affected me. I was sure he was trying to flatter me, sure he wanted some sort of story or favor. We shook hands and he left. After, I sat for a moment and thought of the things he'd said, wishing for that brief moment he had really meant them. He was pretty good looking, and I hadn't had a date in.... I stopped that and got back to work. I had a President to get elected.


After I left her office, I walked around a bit to think my decision through.

I was already familiar with the candidate and respected him. Josh had told me this would be a great story, and that the Governor was a great guy. All that was true, but he had neglected to mention this CJ Cregg. I thought about her, wondering how much of a fool I had made of myself.

Great candidate, great people. A nice guy who actually stood a chance of winning. And, with the added bonus of a gorgeous Press Secretary, I decided to call my editor and let him know I'd be traveling with the governor's campaign.


"CJ?" Danny caught up with her. "Can I ask a favor?"

CJ shrugged. It was the first time Danny had asked for anything in the three weeks he had been with them, and frankly she was surprised it had taken him this long. "What?"

"I'd like to chat with Mrs. Bartlet."

She stopped walking and turned to face him. This wasn't what she had expected. "Why?"

"She's an interesting woman. I think I might want to do an article or a series on her." He fell into step beside her as she began walking again.

CJ laughed. "You could write a whole book on her, she's fascinating."

Danny smiled. "Is that a yes?"

CJ considered. "I'll ask her and let you know later."

"Thanks CJ." He turned to go. "See ya."

She nodded and headed for her office, another corner in another storefront. He turned to watch her go, wishing he could spend more time talking to her. Instead, he had to rely on Josh making off-hand remarks and the little bit of time they had together.


CJ rounded the corner and stopped short, face-to-face with Danny.

"That was close!" He smiled at her.

She smiled back, oddly relieved that she hadn't made of a fool of herself by being a klutz right then. She shook it off, telling herself she absolutely, positively, did not have a crush on the reporter. "You should watch where you're going."

"Me?" Danny teased her. "What about you?"

"I know people." She told him. "I could get rid of you like that." She snapped her fingers.

He caught her hand and gave her a pleading look. "Please spare me, I promise I'll be good."

She raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed.

"Dirty mind, CJ." Before she could protest that it was his mind that had strayed, he dropped her hand and stepped back. "Where are you headed?"

She decided to ignore his insinuations, for now. "I need coffee. There's a shop a few doors down."

"I'll walk you there."

She stared at him for a moment, then smiled and shrugged. "Okay."

They walked out silently, each running through their own thoughts and schedules but content to be together.


CJ knocked on the door before skimming the notes in front of her. She looked up, smiling, as Danny answered his hotel room door.

"Hey, CJ." He smiled at her. "Come in?"

"That's probably not a good idea." She raised an eyebrow at him, amused.

He nodded. "You want to have sex in the hallway?"

"Who said I was here for sex?" She asked him calmly.

He appeared shocked. "You're not? Oh, well there go my plans for the night."

She laughed and handed him a piece of paper. "Here's the information for your meeting with Mrs. Bartlet tomorrow."

Danny took the paper but didn't even glance at it. "Now that business is out of the way, what're you doing for dinner?"

"I'm busy."

"How about an after dinner drink?"

"Busy." She stifled a smile.

He sighed. "Well, okay, I guess just sex then. I'll see you later."

She shrugged and turned, throwing one last comment over her shoulder. "Don't hold your breath. Well, on second thought, do."

He grinned as he watched her walk away before closing his hotel room door.



She attempted to sweep past him. "No time, Danny."

He hurried to keep pace with her. "CJ?"

She stopped suddenly and turned to him. "Is this a real question or are you going to ask me out again?"

"It's a real question." Danny told her unconvincingly.

She sighed loudly. "I can't go out with you, you know that. Get away from me."

Danny shrugged. "Whatever."

He turned to leave and she watched him, a sad look in her eyes. Finally, she sighed again and glanced at her watch. She'd talk to him later, she decided as she hurried off.


His eyes, sparkling with amusement, slowly and obviously perused her body. "Nice outfit."

CJ shoved the wet hair out of her eyes. "Shut up."

"Anything I can do to help?" He asked. "I could help you out of that wet dress. Unless you're going in the pool again?"

"Go away." She turned her back on him, then turned back around. "Find Carol or Margaret for me?"

He smiled. "Sure. But you really do look good-"

"Go!" She told him, exasperated. As he turned, she couldn't hold back a smile. Then she glanced at her dress. "Ruined," she muttered. "But at least it's not transparent."

He looked back once, imprinting on his mind how the dress clung to the curves of her body.


"Where are you guys headed?" Danny asked as he passed CJ, Josh, Sam and Toby in the hallway of the motel they were all staying at. They exchanged glances and he held up his hands. "Idle curiosity, you don't have to answer. Sorry."

"We're going out for a little while to celebrate." Josh told him. "Why don't you come? I heard you have something to celebrate too."

Danny smiled. "The book. Yeah."

CJ sighed. "You know, I was just kidding when I told you to write a book about Mrs. Bartlet."

"Your wish is my command, you should have told me you were kidding." Danny's eyes lit up as he focused his attention on her.

Toby put his arm around CJ's waist. "Let's go, all the liquor will be gone."

She laughed but let him drag her along. "It's a bar, Toby. They're not going to run out."

Danny watched them walk through the front door of the motel, feeling as if he'd been punched in the stomach. His smile faded. There were rumors that CJ and Toby were very close, possibly more than friends, but he had desperately hoped they were just that- rumors.

"Danny?" Josh's voice pulled him back to reality. "You coming?"

"That's okay." Danny told him automatically. He resigned himself to another night alone in his room, since there were no events to cover that night.

"Come on. Off the record, have some fun." Josh urged him, wanting to spread some joy.

Danny nodded and gave in, following the group for about a block before they ducked into a bar. He scanned the small room, but his gaze kept returning to CJ. Toby still had his arm around her as he guided her through the bar.

They grabbed a table and ordered, making multiple toasts to their success and Danny's with a few drinks. CJ complained when they wouldn't let her order her favorite drink, but had no problem drinking what they put in front of her instead.

"So, Toby?" CJ turned to him. "When does Andy get here?"

"Two days." He told her, with the largest smile that Danny had yet seen on his face.

"Andy?" Danny asked, a nagging feeling that he had missed something.

Toby glanced at him in faint amusement. "Andrea Wyatt. My wife. Wow, you reporters don't do your homework, do you?"

Danny managed a smile though his mind was racing. "I've been busy researching Mrs. Bartlet, sorry."

Toby shrugged. "Makes sense. Oh, CJ, we're going to have to rearrange rooms when Andy gets here. I'm not sharing with Josh while she's here."

CJ laughed, her eyes twinkling as she teased him. "Andy can share with me, no problem."

He glared at her. "No. Tell Margaret we need to figure out rooms."

"I'll share with CJ." Josh piped up.

"You wish." CJ told him. "But I hear that you snore."

"I do not!" He contested hotly.

"Only when he's drunk." Toby told her.

"Which reminds me." CJ pulled Josh's beer away, pretty sure they were all on at least their fourth already. "Which of us was supposed to be watching his beer intake tonight?"

Toby and Sam both groaned.

Josh grabbed the beer back. "Shut up."

Toby stood. "Come on, CJ. Let's go dance."

She grabbed his hand and jumped up to follow him to the dance floor, where a fast-paced song was playing.

"We need more women in our group." Josh complained, thinking maybe they should have asked Carol or one of the other assistants to come.

Sam nodded his agreement. "There's not even many single women here."

Danny was silent as he watched CJ and Toby dance. She laughed at something Toby said and Danny wished he was with her. He forgot where he was as he focused on her body moving.


"Yeah?" He snapped back to reality.

"Want another one?" Sam pointed to the bottle Danny was holding.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks."

Sam headed for the bar while Josh scanned for any good looking women. The song ended and CJ walked over to Josh, taking a long drink from his beer before pulling him onto the floor.

Danny avoided Toby's eyes as he finished his beer. Finally, he cleared his throat. "So... Andrea Wyatt?"

Toby sighed. "Her name sounds familiar, doesn't it?"

Danny grinned sheepishly. "Yeah."

"Congresswoman Wyatt."

Danny's jaw dropped. "Of course." He would have put that together, he realized, if he hadn't been so preoccupied with CJ all night.

"And how long have you and CJ known each other?"

Toby eyed him for a moment, then his gaze shifted to CJ. His eyes softened. "Seems like forever."

Sam placed another beer in front of each of them. "I have foraged and brought back necessary provisions."

Toby rolled his eyes. "You're not a writer. How did you fool them?"

Sam grinned. "Hey, we're all writers at the table."

"Not anymore." CJ came up behind Sam and grabbed his arm. "Dance with me."

Sam sighed. "Can't we wait for a slow song? I can't dance to the fast ones, I feel like an idiot."

He followed her anyway, knowing from experience that there was no chance of getting out of it.

Josh sighed and turned to Toby. "Think we'll ever get her off the dance floor?"

Toby glanced at his watch. "We'll have to drag her off soon, we need to get back."

Josh looked at his watch too. "Wow, it got late. How did that happen?"

"We didn't leave the motel on time." Toby told him.

"Oh, right." Josh nodded. Late was the normal mode of a campaign trail, he had noticed. It was fine with him, but Toby sometimes gave them all a hard time about it.

Danny pulled his eyes away from CJ to look at his watch. "Oh, man. I didn't realize what time it was. I should get back." He drained the rest of his beer and stood up. Before he could tell everyone good-bye, CJ had grabbed his arm.

Sam flopped down on his seat. "You see that? Horrible, everyone in here was making fun of me."

"Daniel." CJ dragged him away from the table. "Time to dance."

"CJ, I..." he trailed off as he looked at her flushed face and his breath caught. "I hope the next one is slow."

She laughed as they got to the dance floor. "You and Sam, all scared of the fast songs."

He smiled, knowing it was only partly true. The biggest part of him wanted a slow song so they could dance closer.

"Oh!" CJ pouted as the tempo changed. "Slow song."

"You don't like slow songs?"

"Depends on my partner." She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and dropped her voice. "Can you dance?"

He rested his hands on her hips and suddenly felt like he was back at his seventh grade dance. Only this time, he got to dance with the beautiful girl. "I could dip you, is that what you want?"

She laughed, then looked at the space between them. "We're not in grade school, you know."

His heart nearly stopped as she pressed her body against his and began to sway to the music.

"That's better." she murmured as she rested her cheek on his shoulder. Her breath tickled his neck as her breathing slowed. Only through intense concentration was Danny able to keep pace with the music.

"So where were you going before?" CJ asked suddenly, in a low voice.

"What?" Danny tried to concentrate on her words, not just her voice.

"When you stood up. You weren't leaving, were you?"

Danny smiled and pulled her even closer, glad she had come back to the table when she did. "I had a phone call to make. It can wait for tomorrow."

CJ pulled her head up to stare at him. "You can go if you need to."

"There's no place I'd rather be." Danny told her truthfully.

She laughed. "Cute, Concannon."

"Yes I am." He nodded. "Or so I've been told."

"Are you coming onto me?"

"What would you do if I was?"

She considered and her gaze dropped to his lips. "I might kiss you."

He grinned. "Toby would love that."


"He's sitting at the table glaring at us."

She laughed. "His reaction alone might make it worth it to kiss you."

"And here I thought you were after my body."

CJ ran one finger down his chest and back up. "Do you work out?" she purred.

"How much have you had to drink?"

"Not enough," she told him, her eyes sparkling.

The song ended and Danny reluctantly led her back to the table. The guys stood as they approached.

"Meeting." Sam told them. "We need to get back."

"I don't have a meeting." CJ told them with a smile.

"We're not leaving you here alone." Toby told her gruffly.

"Danny can stay with me." She turned to him. "Did you have anything planned tonight?"

Danny clamped down the thought of how he would have probably spent his night- thinking about her. He shrugged. "Not a thing."

Toby scowled at him.

"I'll get her back to the motel just fine." Danny told them, focusing his attention on Josh instead of Toby.

"Sounds good." Josh waved to them. "See you guys later."

"CJ-" Toby started.

"Bye, Toby." CJ waved at him. "Don't be late for your meeting."

Toby shook his head and reluctantly followed the other two out.

CJ turned to Danny, her eyes laughing. "Well, that was fun. I love pissing Toby off."

Danny just smiled, waiting to find out if she really wanted him to stay.

"Another dance? Without an audience?"

He grinned at her. "Sounds great."

Danny suffered through two fast songs, watching CJ move but not able to hold her. Finally, another slow song came on.

"Maybe we should sit one out." CJ suggested. "I need another drink. A grasshopper this time, since I'm buying my own. Did you know, the boys always refuse to buy girlie drinks for me." She began to walk off the dance floor.

"No way." Danny grabbed her arm and pulled her against him. "We'll rest on a fast one."

She had no protests as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Their eyes met and held as they danced. CJ inched closer until they were just a breath apart.

"I think we need some air." CJ whispered.

"Why?" Danny asked, reluctant to let her go.

"Let's take a walk. Someplace more... private." She smiled shyly.

He nodded and took her hand, leading her outside. He pulled her into the next doorway, thankful it was late and there was no one around. Before she realized what he had in mind, he had them back in their positions from the dance floor.

"This airy enough?" He asked with a small smile.

"Shut up." She managed before closing the gap between them. Their lips met tentatively. She pulled back and met his eyes. "Well?"

"Well what?" Danny's head was spinning.

"Do we go back to the hotel and chalk this up to too much beer?"

His response, though non verbal, was very clear. His hand moved to her neck and he pulled her back. His mouth on hers was hot and demanding and she found herself yielding to him. She moaned and he pulled away reluctantly. "Let's walk before I can't."

CJ blinked at him, confused at the sudden loss in contact. "What?"

"If you make that noise again..." He stepped away until they were just holding hands. "Well, we're going to be arrested for indecency."

She laughed. "You're easy."

He pulled her out of the doorway and they began to walk. "You're amazing."

"There's a line." CJ smiled.

"CJ, I... never mind."

"No, what is it?"

He sighed. "I want you to know those kisses meant something to me. You drive me crazy everyday just being around."

She stopped and turned to face him. "I don't just go around kissing people, Danny."

Their eyes met and he pulled her into a gentle kiss. "I've watched you every day. And I wanted to do that."

"That's it?" CJ teased him.

He laughed. "Don't start. You know we can't..."

"Yeah, I know. We're going to blame tonight on the alcohol, right?"

He nodded. They began to walk again. He pointed to a store. "Drunk enough to get a tattoo?"

"What if I already have one?" She smirked at the look on his face as his eyes flitted down her body. "No."

"No, what?"

"You can't see it. I'm not that drunk. You drunk enough to get something pierced?"

"I might already have something pierced." He teased her. "And no, you can't see it. At least, not in public."

He was rewarded when she laughed.

"Drunk enough to get married?" Danny asked, pointing to another building.

She laughed again. "Word of advice. Never ask a woman to marry you in jest."

He smiled. "Okay. CJ, want to get married?"

She stopped on the sidewalk and turned to stare at him.

"I know, I know." He gripped her hand, not able to stop the words once he had started. "We've only known each other a few months. But I find myself living for the few moments I have with you. I had to ask, even if you say no."

She stared at him and realized he wasn't joking. Without another thought, she heard a voice that she wasn't sure was hers. "Okay."


"Yes." CJ told him, surprising herself at how calm she was.

"Are you sure?"

She smiled and ran a finger down his beard before kissing him again. "You fascinate me."

"The election." Danny suddenly remembered why he had kept his hands off her before tonight.

"We might not get the White House." CJ reminded him, even though she knew Governor Bartlet had to win. "And this'll be our secret."

Danny kissed her again and gave himself over to the night. CJ wondered at the dream she now found herself in. "This is crazy. And I've had just enough alcohol to do it."

"Let's go." Danny pulled her towards the building. Once inside, they filled out paperwork before being led to a small chapel. They couldn't stop grinning at each other through the short ceremony.

They soon found themselves back on the sidewalk. CJ shivered as the cool air touched her skin, a shock after the heat from inside.

"You're cold. Let's get back to the hotel." He draped his coat around her.

CJ nodded and clasped his arm as they made their way back. He walked her through the deserted hallway to her room. She opened the door and motioned for him to come in.

"Who're you rooming with?" He whispered.

She smiled slyly at him. "No one. I'll be all alone if you don't keep me company."

"So," Danny asked as she quietly shut the door and flipped the locks. "What do people normally do on their wedding night?"

"Sleep." She laughed as his face turned to a pout. "But I have something different in mind." She grabbed his shirt and pulled him to the bed.

Danny contemplated pinching himself to wake up. Then she was under him on the bed and he decided it was the best dream he'd ever had.

They stared into each other's eyes, inches apart. The world stopped and faded away as they were silent for a moment. Then Danny smiled and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him in place. He teased her mouth until she let him in. She moaned at the contact of their tongues and he pulled back.

"We can still get this annulled." He reminded her in a sudden burst of clarity.

Her eyes never left his as she worked the buttons on his shirt. When she touched skin, his eyes lit up and he crushed her mouth to his. He began to unbutton her shirt, kissing the skin he uncovered as he did. When he reached the end, he met her eyes again before pulling the shirt off.

"Turn off the light?" CJ whispered as she struggled to get him out of his clothes.

"No." Danny managed between kisses. "I need to find that tattoo."

She laughed, but it turned into a gasp at his touch. Thoughts of lights were blotted out by the feeling of his hands on her.


CJ didn't think about lights again until the sun hit her face. She held a hand over her eyes, not opening them. She wondered why she hadn't shut the shades the night before. Just then the phone rang with what she realized must be her wake-up call.

She reached blindly for the phone, wondering at the heaviness of her body. "Yeah?" she rasped. "Okay, thanks."

She lay back down, her eyes still closed.

Then she felt a hand slowly stroking her stomach.

She opened her eyes and looked at her hands, both on top of the cover and neither on her stomach. She turned over nervously and met Danny's eyes. The nights events came flooding back.

"Good morning." she whispered.

"Is it?"

She considered for a brief moment. "Yes. Very good."

His arm tightened around her. "Time to get up?"

"Yeah." She tangled her fingers with his.

"Am I still dreaming?"

"I think we got married last night." CJ told him.

His fingers tickled her bare stomach. He already knew he was completely naked, and was pretty sure she was too. "Too late to annul it, huh?"

CJ laughed and relaxed at his teasing tone. "Would appear that way."

"I think we need to talk." Danny observed, suddenly putting a damper on their smiles.

"I can't think with you touching me. And I need a shower." CJ nervously looked away, using any excuse to put off talking about this.

"Need some help?" Danny kissed her neck and pulled her closer.

"Okay." she breathed as his beard tickled her skin.

"I still need to find that tattoo." Danny told her. "I missed it last night."

"Really?" CJ mused, an eyebrow raised in amusement. "But you were very thorough."

He pulled her closer. "Was last night... okay?"

"It was amazing." CJ told him. She looked into his eyes and saw the doubt in them. "Danny? What's wrong?"

"At the risk of sounding... I don't know... you are great in bed."

She blushed but kept her eyes on his. "So are you."

"I bet you're great in the shower too." Danny teased her, a smile on his face now that he knew he hadn't disappointed her.

She smiled and sat up. She hesitated for just a moment before throwing off the sheet and standing up, naked.

He stared at her. She noticed. Amused, she told him, "I'm going to take a shower." She strolled into the bathroom and closed the door only a few inches before turning on the water.

As soon as Danny heard the water, he came out of his trance. He jumped up and quickly followed her to the shower.

"Let's conserve water." He whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her.

She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him lightly, before observing, "I have a feeling my shower is going to take longer than normal."

He kissed her roughly, not bothering to answer. But, as it turned out, CJ was right.


"You're going to just sit there and watch me get dressed?"

Danny nodded calmly. "That was the plan."

"You're already dressed."

"You take too long to dry your hair."

"Shut up."

"Okay." Danny leaned back on the bed. "Get dressed, you're running late."

She glared at him. "You're enjoying this too much."

"Oh yeah." He grinned at her. "I'm enjoying it while I can."

Her expression turned thoughtful. "I don't want to get a divorce."

His eyes grew wide and he sat up, shocked at how quickly the conversation had turned serious. "Me either. I think I'm already in love with you. I mean, I had a crush on you before, a huge crush..."

"I could fall in love with you so easily." She sighed and pulled clothes out of her suitcase. "What are we going to do about the campaign?"

"It's just a few more weeks, we'll keep it a secret."

"I have to tell the Governor." She grimaced, "And possibly Leo."

"Maybe we should tell Abbey, she seems to like me." CJ raised an eyebrow. He grinned sheepishly. "She told me to call her Abbey, sorry."

"Watch it, she may be the First Lady soon."

"And you may be the White House Press Secretary."

"Even if we win, there's no guarantee I'll get the job." She looked down. "Especially now."

"You want the job?"

"Not as much as I want you right now." CJ told him, then glanced at the clock. "We'll deal with this later, I need to get dressed. The buses are leaving soon."

"Okay, I should leave. So, how do I do that without being spotted?"

"Let me get dressed and think. You too, think of something." She grabbed her clothes and headed for the bathroom, not trusting either of them to act responsibly. But she left the door open a crack and he caught glimpses of her, hindering his ability to think.

She emerged, ready for the day. She packed up the few items she had, then looked at him. "Well? Think it's safe?"

The knock on her door cut off any answer Danny might have had. They stared at one another in horror for a moment before CJ called out, "Who is it?"

"Sam. Come on, time to get to the bus."

CJ thought quickly. Sam would be the easiest of the men to fool, as he always thought the best of everyone. She motioned to Danny to stand up and grab her suitcases.

She opened the door. "Sam! So nice of you to stop by to help me with my luggage." She dragged him inside.

"Help with..." he trailed off as he caught sight of Danny.

"Believe me, Sam." Danny rolled his eyes. "I know how you feel. I came by to double-check my appointment time with Mrs. Bartlet."

"Nonsense!" CJ told them in a sing-song voice. "My nice, strong friends are being gentlemen and helping with my luggage." She put a pout on her face. "That is, unless my bags are too heavy for you."

Sam grabbed the bags Danny wasn't holding. "Let's get these to the bus. I still need to get my stuff."

"Me too." Danny followed Sam out, glancing back to wink at CJ as he left.

She glanced around the room once more before turning and firmly closing the door behind her.


"Governor?" CJ nervously called through the door, knowing she couldn't put off talking to him any longer. The bus ride had been torture when all she wanted to do was blurt out her secret.

"CJ?" He opened the door to his hotel room. "You could have just come in, you know."

She nodded, preoccupied. "Can I talk to you privately for a moment?"

"Of course, CJ." He waved her into the empty room. "What's going on?"

She took a deep breath. "I did something last night. Something that was... well, a little stupid."


"I got married." She blurted out.

He nodded. "Okay."


"I'm trying to process this, CJ. Who did you marry?" He stared at her, now in shock as her words began to sink in.

"Danny Concannon."


She blushed slightly. "Reporter, Washington Post. Writing the book on your wife. You've talked a few times."

"Is this a joke, CJ?" Jed wracked his brain for any possibility that this wasn't what it looked like.

She grimaced. "No. I'm sorry, sir. It just... happened."

He shook his head and walked to the window. "Now what?"

"You decide. Danny and I will keep it a secret and we'll finish the campaign. Or..." she swallowed. "You can fire me."

"What about an annulment?"

Her blush deepened as she thought of Danny's earlier remarks. "No, sir. No divorce either."

He sighed. "My wife likes him. Why don't you stay and we'll see what happens."

"Thank you sir." She smiled in relief.

"Okay, what's next?"



"Keep your eyes closed." Danny looked up to be sure she wasn't peeking.

"Whatever you're doing, it's cold." She couldn't figure out what he was doing to her back and she really wanted to know.

"Just remember, it's your fault."

CJ sighed. "Come on. Just sitting on the bed is not exactly what I thought we'd be doing right now."

Danny grinned at her back. He had taken a chance appearing at her door tonight. But he had desperately wanted to know if she had spoken to the Governor. And he had a gift for her. Luckily, she had been alone and glad to see him.

"Are you done?"

"You're so impatient." He told her.

"I know. Hurry up."

"Not something I want to hear in bed."

She laughed. "Good point."

Danny took the washcloth off CJ's back. He traced a pattern on her back and grinned when she shivered at his touch. "Fine, open your eyes."

She did, then twisted her head to look at the side of her lower back, where Danny had been concentrating all his attention. She laughed. "A rose?"

Danny leaned down to kiss her back. "Slim pickings at the gas station down the street."

"But a tattoo, Danny?"

"I can't find a tattoo on your body at all." He glanced slowly down her body before meeting her eyes again. "And believe me I've looked."

"I don't have a tattoo. I was messing with you."

"You have one now." He traced it again. "And it looks very sexy on you, I must say. You're shivering, are you cold?"

She leaned back to whisper in his ear. "Warm me up."

He captured her mouth almost before she had finished the command. They grew breathless as they kissed. He kept one hand over the rose, his fingers curling around it as she curled onto his lap. He began an assault on her neck, dropping kisses as he went. She tilted her head, giving him greater access. He eased her gently backwards until she was laying on the bed. She opened her eyes as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Danny," she breathed.

"Are you warm yet?" He whispered in return.

She grabbed his hand and kissed it before telling him slyly, "Not everywhere."

He grinned and ran his hand along the side of her body. "Want to show me where you're cold?"

"Why don't you find out yourself?" She countered, busy with the buttons on his shirt.

"Your wish is my command."


The next few weeks flew by. CJ walked a tight line and managed to win the Governors approval with how she doled out stories and handled the press.

Though they managed to steal kisses here and there, CJ and Danny didn't spend another full night together, which frustrated both of them. Whenever they could, they passed notes and felt like they were in high school. CJ hid her notes carefully in her bags, even though she knew she should destroy them.

The night CJ found out Hoynes would be their running mate, she went to Danny. She knew she had to tell him, and braced herself for the conversation.

She looked up and down the deserted hallway before knocking softly. She waited nervously until Danny opened the door, quickly stepping aside to let her hurry in.

As soon as the door closed, he had her in his arms. His lips met hers and her mind went blank. She pushed away thoughts of what she was there for as she pushed him towards the bed and pulled his shirt free from his pants.

"CJ." He stopped and sat down on the bed, pulling her to sit next to him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She worked at his buttons frantically until his hand stilled hers. She looked up and met his eyes. Hers filled with tears. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"CJ?" Alarmed now, he gently touched her cheek, as if to stop the tears that hadn't yet fallen.

"I have to tell you something." She eased herself off the bed and began walking around the room, playing with items she found as an excuse not to meet his eyes. "I... don't know how you'll take this. It's pretty bad."

"Are you dying?"

She stopped and stared at him in confusion. "No."

"Am I dying?"

She laughed through the tears now falling. "No."

"Are you leaving me?" He got up and took her hands as he asked.

"No," she whispered.

"Then how bad could it be?"

"I slept with John Hoynes." she blurted out, watching his eyes closely for his reaction.

They grew wide. "Today?"

She laughed again, harshly. "A few years ago."

His eyes softened and he took a deep breath. "Don't scare me like that. I thought... I wasn't good enough for you."

She kissed him frantically. "It's me who's not good enough for you."

He pushed her gently away before sitting her down on the bed. "Why? Because you slept with someone years before we even met? I'm sorry to say it, CJ, but I knew I wasn't your first."

She shook her head. "No, it's not that. I mean, I regret sleeping with him. You don't even know how much. But right now I regret not telling you."

"We didn't exactly have a normal dating period." He reminded her. He moved to kneel beside her and slipped her shoes off. "Lay down, you need to relax."

CJ smiled tiredly, the weight mostly gone. Now all she had to do was decide whether to tell the Governor. "Lay down with me. I need you near me."

Danny nodded as she settled herself on the bed. He grabbed a blanket and draped it over them both. "Hoynes. Hasn't he been married for quite awhile?"

She took so long to answer, Danny was sure she had fallen asleep. Finally, she whispered, "Yes."

"Did you know when-"

She cut him off with her fingers over his lips. "Don't be a reporter right now, please. You can ask everything later. Right now, I just need this."

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "Go to sleep."

She relaxed in his arms. "Thank you, Danny." she whispered before she fell asleep.

His thoughts turned to Hoynes. Danny resolved to find out all he could about Hoynes. If he had hurt CJ... Danny cut the thoughts off and forced himself to concentrate on the woman in his arms. He made sure she was sleeping soundly before falling asleep himself.


When he woke up the next morning, she was gone. He was surprised he had slept through her leaving and he sighed in annoyance at himself.

Then he realized there was a folded piece of paper in his hand. He opened it quickly.

I love you.

His eyes widened as he read the words again. It was the first time she had said it to him. He traced the letters and smiled, elated. Carefully, he packed it with the rest of her notes. He knew he would never convince himself to destroy them now.

A smile on his face, he went to take a shower.


She took her shower and thought about Danny. She wondered if he had found her note yet. She had wanted desperately to stay with him, had even half wished he would wake up when she untangled herself. Wished that he had convinced her to stay in bed all day with him.

But he had stayed asleep and she had crept out, knowing it was better this way.


She hadn't thought it was possible, but things became even crazier as the weeks flew by. She and the rest of the Governor's staff were consumed by the coming election. Even most of the joking had fallen by the wayside.

The night of the election, Danny managed to get CJ alone in a corner of the ballroom. With the threat of being seen, they could only talk quietly. He wanted so badly to hold her and she couldn't wait to be alone so she could kiss him.

"Is he going to win?"

"I don't know. He stands a very good shot."

"Do you want him to?"

CJ stared at him and sighed. "I don't know. But I won't be offered the Press Secretary job anyway, since the Governor knows about us."

Danny nodded sadly. "I'm sorry."

She stared at him for a moment, then glanced around the room. "If we win, there'll be dancing later."

His eyes sparkled as his spirits lifted just a bit. "Really?"

"I like to dance." she told him seriously.

"I know." He smiled at her. "Save me all the dances?"

"I still want to dance with my friends, Danny."

He sighed dramatically. "Well, okay. I guess I can bear to be alone for... two dances?"

"At least five." She told him and he groaned. She smiled.


She glanced away. "I have to go, I'll see you later."

Danny watched her as she hurried off. He was counting the minutes until the waiting would be over and he would know what the future held.


Later, he watched her kiss Toby, then Josh. Sam grabbed her and twirled her around as their cheers echoed through the ballroom. He smiled and wished he could be part of their celebration. He was glad the Governor had won, couldn't wait for him to take office.

The music started and CJ pulled Sam onto the floor. Danny mentally wrote his article, knowing he'd have to slip out soon to type it up and send it to his editor. He couldn't take his eyes off CJ until Josh finally came over and jolted him out of his daydreams.

"Hey, Danny! Don't you have a story to write?"

"Oh, yeah. You're right, I was just... taking in the atmosphere."

"Go write the story, then go off the record and come back." Josh began to walk away to find Donna for a dance, then called back, "We'll be here for hours!"

Danny grinned and, after glancing to find CJ now dancing with Toby, left. He wrote his article in record time and scrambled back down to the ballroom. He slipped in to find the party still in full swing. He took a seat, but CJ spotted him and came over, nearly floating but with a concerned expression on her face.

"Dance with me." She pulled him to the dance floor, where a slow song was playing. She sighed and laid her head on his shoulder as they moved.

"Are you okay?" Danny asked, concerned.

"He offered me the Press Secretary job." She didn't look at him as she said it.

"That's great!"

"What about us?"

Danny sighed. "I'm not leaving my job at the White House."

"And this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. For anyone."

"We've kept it quiet this long, what's another four years?"

"Eight." CJ corrected quickly.

Danny nodded in agreement. "Eight."

"Eight years of sneaking around." CJ sighed. "I don't know about this."

"I love you."

Danny felt her smile as she answered. "I love you."

And they danced silently until they were interrupted.


The next weeks were spent in a flurry of apartment renting and moving for the soon-to-be Senior Staffers. Once they were both based in DC and not constantly surrounded by staff and reporters, CJ and Danny were able to meet more often. Danny's apartment was left empty much of the time while he helped CJ unpack and move furniture.

"You know, you're never going to even see your apartment after the Inauguration." Danny told her.

"Nice try, Concannon. Help me move the sofa."

"We just moved it." He pointed out, but took his place at one end.

"And it looked better where it was yesterday." She told him. "Lift."

They moved the sofa, again. CJ moved to the middle of the room and stared at it. "I just don't know."

"We could be using our energy in other ways." Danny told her with a sly grin.

"You're not going to say things like that to me in the White House, right?"

"Of course not." He told her unconvincingly.

"Danny!" She sighed. "No hints of anything at the White House. No kissing, no touching."

He moved closer and broke her concentration with a light touch on her cheek. "So this would be bad?"

"Yeah," she breathed.

He kissed her gently. "And this?"

"Bad too," she told him.

"But we're in your apartment now." He drew her close. She smiled as their lips met. "We should go to your bedroom."



"The apartment may be mine, but the bedroom is ours."

He kissed her again before pulling away to help her out of her shirt. They left a trail of clothes to their bedroom.


CJ crept into her apartment after the Inaugural Balls, wondering if it was even worth going to sleep at this hour. As she took off her wrap, something brushed her neck and she jumped.

"Stupid hair." She muttered, her heart pounding even though she now knew what had hit her neck.

"I like your hair."

She whirled around. "Danny!"

He walked to her and ran his fingers through her newly straightened hair. "You look gorgeous. And I like your hair straight like this, don't curl it again."

"Giving orders?" She asked, bemused. She filed away his reaction to think about later, maybe she would get rid of the curly hair.

"Yeah." He dropped his hand to her neck, then her shoulders. "Nice dress. You should take it off."

She stepped closer and her eyes sparkled as they met his. "Right now?"

Danny pushed her against the door. His mouth covered hers, distracting her from what his hands were doing. He found the zipper of her dress as he dropped kisses along her neck. He couldn't stop from smiling as he unzipped her. His fingers touched her bare skin and she moaned.

"Bedroom?" He teased her.

"Living room's closer."

"This door is closer."

She smirked. "Living room has a couch."

He silenced her with another kiss, although his brain told him she was right. If only she didn't have hardwood floors, he thought, considering if the pain would be worth it. "We should get wall-to-wall carpeting."

She laughed. "Tomorrow." She pushed him away, then grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room. She gave him a shove towards the couch, then pulled her dress off while he stared at her.

"I wouldn't have gotten any work done today if I'd known you were wearing that. Were you wearing it during the briefing?"

She looked down at her lingerie. "It's new, do you like it?" She struck a pose.

"Are you coming over here? I'll show you just how much I like it."

"You're wearing too many clothes to show me much of anything." She told him as she tugged on his shirt.

He grabbed her hand and pulled. She landed on top of him. Their eyes met.

"Well, hello Daniel." she played with the curls on his forehead. "Impatient?"

He pulled her face closer for a kiss. Her body melted into his. One last though flitted through CJ's mind before she lost the power of thought. Danny had decided for her, she wasn't going to get any sleep.


"I have to leave in the morning." Danny stroked CJ's arm as they talked quietly, laying on the couch not sleeping.

"How long will you be gone?" She twisted her body to stare at his face.

"I don't know. My editor has this idea-"

CJ put a finger over his lips. "Don't tell me, remember?"

He nodded. "Sorry. I will be back, the White House is my place."

"Okay." CJ sighed.


"No." She ran her fingers up his bare chest. "But you can't really tell him you need to be with your wife."

His arm tightened around her at the word that he knew he would never tire of hearing.

"So this was good-bye?" She stared at him sadly.

He kissed her. "No. That was to tell you that you're amazing. And hot, did I mention hot?"

She blushed and smiled shyly.

"This is not good-bye either." He kissed her again, his tongue dueling with hers.

CJ pulled away. "Then what is it?"

Danny brushed the tear off her cheek. "I love you and I'll see you soon."

She dropped her head to kiss him again, whispering, "I love you too."

*** (post-Pilot)

To my husband-
Do you know how strange that word is? I look at it, sitting up there. Husband. I miss you. I hate that I don't know where you are. I know, I know that it's safer for both our careers to not leave records. But I want to talk to you.
That wouldn't be enough. If I talked to you, I'd want to kiss you.
And then I'd want even more.
I'm forgetting what you looked like in the Press Room that one day we were both there. I'm starting to only see you as you were our last night together.
Very unprofessional.
I miss you. I want you to come back. I want you. One good thing about this crazy job, it leaves me little time to dwell.
Speaking of which, there's my pager. I really want to throw that thing out the window sometimes.
You need to come back. A few mornings ago, I was going to the gym early in the morning. It was really early, I was going on almost no sleep. I know that's no excuse. I found myself flirting with a guy. Not a guy like Toby, I mean a random guy. My pager saved me then, so I don't think I'll throw it out the window.
Sometimes you seem like a dream, and sometimes this job does.
I miss you. I love you. Come home soon.

CJ picked up the paper, then folded it. She put it in a shoebox and shoved it under her bed. They hadn't talked about it, but she was pretty sure Danny was doing something similar for her to read. She picked up the phone to return the page from the White House.

*** (post- Post Hoc Ergo Procter Hoc)

Do you know what "Post Hoc Ergo Procter Hoc" means? You probably do, you're a freak like that.
These letters have been shoved aside lately, I've been so busy. But I had a run-in with Hoynes today.
That man is an idiot. If he runs in six years, I'm not voting for him. I needed you here today, to tell me it would be okay.
That sounds needy and stupid. And it's wrong. Really, I needed you here to convince me it would be a bad idea to egg his house.
Or I need you to help me egg his house. Do you think it would be a bad idea to egg the Vice President's house?

*** (mid- Proportional Response)

"Oh man." I exclaimed upon seeing him, but I know he saw my eyes light up and flicker to his lips. I remind myself that we are in the office and listen to him ramble.

Suddenly he mentions Sam and it hits me what he's talking about.

"Invite me inside, CJ." He orders me, somewhat suggestively.

"Inside," I tell him through clenched lips.


I sat across from her at the desk and wished it was a table at a nice restaurant. Wished that we could be seen in public together, with CJ in one of her gorgeous dresses. We talked instead of touching, though I wanted nothing more than to kiss her.

I told her about Sam because I'm a good guy. Also because it's good business to have the Press Secretary owe you one.

I'm learning to compartmentalize parts of my life. She's a good Press Secretary, I've been watching the briefings while I've been gone. Yeah, she makes some silly mistakes. But she's doing better than her predecessors at this point; she'll be a great Press Secretary.

I begin to realize that she misunderstood my reason for telling her about Sam. She starts in on me, her voice getting higher and higher as she talks.

"Whoa, down girl." I stop her before she stops amusing me and starts getting pissed at me. I have plans for tonight that don't include her mad at me. Although, with any luck, the plans don't include her amused at me either.

Her phone rings and she grabs it. I watch her talk for a moment, then realize that she's on with Leo or another White House official. I begin to get up, to give her some privacy, but she holds up her hand for me to stay. It gives me an excuse to watch her for a few more moments.

And then she gives me a tip and we are back to business.


CJ dragged herself into her apartment, exhausted. She sniffed the air, confused. "Pizza?"

"Yep," came a voice from down the hallway.

She kicked her heels off and smiled. "That you, Tony?"

Danny poked his head out of the kitchen. "Tony?"

"Oh, hey Danny."

"Who's Tony?" Danny advanced and held out a glass.

"Ooh, wine." She reached for it but he held it out of her reach with a raised eyebrow.

She grinned. "Pizza. Italian. Tony. A joke, Danny. Give me my wine."

"And a kiss."

"Yeah, give me a kiss too." CJ grabbed the glass.

"I mean me, give me a kiss."

She walked closer and stopped, their mouths inches apart. "No," she whispered.

His eyes flickered to her mouth, now smirking at him, inviting him to her. He backed away. "Okay, forget it then. Time for-"

CJ grabbed his shirt and yanked him back in place.


"I don't think so, Mr. Concannon." She took her kiss, slowly waking up as his fingers tangled through her hair. His other hand gripped her waist and dragged her closer, their bodies now in total contact.

CJ sighed as they come up for air. "I missed that."

"I missed you." Danny ran his fingers over her face, memorizing the relaxed expression. "I wrote you a notebook of letters telling you how much."

"You're a good writer. I wrote you some letters too, they're under the bed."

"But public speaking is your area of expertise, you should tell me."

CJ ran her fingers down his shirt, stopping at his jeans. "I'll read your letters later. And later I'll tell you how much I missed you. But for now, I want you to show me."

She smiled at him seductively and backed away. She shed her suit jacket. "I'm going to go change. In the bedroom."

Danny watched her walk off and decided, rightly as it turns out, that she was giving him an invitation. He hurried after her, leaving the pizza to be heated up later.


Danny carried a roll of paper towels with their pizza to the bedroom. She laughed as he set everything on the bed.

"I've heard of breakfast in bed," she managed to get out. "But pizza? Messy!"

He glanced at the clock. "Well, it is morning."

She grabbed a slice and took a bit, suddenly starving.

"I got some e-mails from Josh while I was away."

"Keeping tabs on us?" she teased him.

"He doesn't know about us, does he?"

CJ sighed and put down her food. "No. I told the President, that was all."

"Does Leo know?"

"I don't think so." She rolled her eyes. "Abbey might know, being his wife. She hasn't said anything but..."

"Who else?"

"No one else knows."

Danny stared into her face. "Toby?"

Her eyes met his. "I didn't tell him. But yeah, I think he knows something's going on. I'm not sure what he thinks."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

Danny sighed. "That you can't tell your best friend you're married. Personally, I want to shout it from the rooftop."

She laughed. "A bit clichéd there, Daniel."

He appeared shocked. "Clichéd? That's a mean thing to say to a writer. I may have to punish you for that remark."

She smirked. "Try it."

He tossed their empty paper plates onto the floor, then the paper towels. He pulled her closer and pressed light kisses along her lips. She shifted even closer and pulled him down with her until they were laying down. She tried to pull his shirt off but he resisted, distracting her with his hands. They teased her stomach and her breathing grew ragged. His kisses became more forceful and she moaned. Her entire body was on fire as his hands moved over her.

Suddenly, she felt cold and her eyes flew open. He sat next to her, struggling to hide his grin. "I'm going to go take a shower."

CJ growled. "I give up. You're not clichéd." She grabbed his shirt to yank him closer. "Now get over here and finish what you started."

Luckily for him, Danny knew how to take orders.

*** (post- Five Votes Down)

"Do I have a big neck?"

He propped himself up and looked at her. "What?"

She turned her head to look into his eyes. "My neck. Is it too big?"

He stopped the laugh that threatened to erupt when he took in the serious look on her face. "Are you serious?"

CJ sighed loudly before sitting up and reaching for her robe at the end of the bed. "Apparently not."

Danny grabbed her hand and pulled her back down. "I'm sorry. But where did you get an idea like that?"

She resisted relaxing as she answered stiffly. "Just some things that were said in the last few days."

His fingers ran slowly down her neck and she couldn't stop her shiver. "This neck?" he whispered as he touched it with his lips.

"Yeah," she breathed.

"I like this neck."

"I couldn't tell."

He stopped and stared at her, holding back a smile. "Your neck is perfect. You know..."

"What?" she prompted him.

He trailed his finger down her neck, then kept going. "There are other parts of your body I like too."

She pulled him closer. "Prove it."

*** (post- These Crackpots and These Women)

"Did you know that more people are killed every year getting change out of a vending machine than by wolf attacks?"

"CJ?" Danny padded into the kitchen, still in his pajamas.

"I said, did you know-"

"No, I heard you." He kissed her on the cheek as she continued to make her bagel. "Good morning, by the way. What's this about wolves?"

"I had a meeting yesterday about a wolves-only road."

Danny glanced at his watch with a surprised expression on his face. "Time for cheese day again already?"

"Shut up." CJ turned, gesturing with the butter knife. "And it's called Big Block of Cheese Day, for your information."

Danny burst out laughing. "My mistake. What are you going to do with that knife?"

She glanced at it, then back at him with a slightly manic look in her eyes.

He backed away. "I'm going to take a shower."


"Give me a kiss."

She stuck out her tongue at him before turning back to her breakfast. She squirmed when he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He placed gentle kisses on the back of her neck as the knife clattered to the counter.

"Do I get my kiss yet?"

She smirked and shook her head, the hair hitting Danny's face.

"Oh really?" He trailed a finger down her arm, then began to lightly tickle her side. She tried to get away, but he held her in place.

"Danny!" She tried to swat his hand away through her giggles. "I need to get to work."

Heaving an exaggerated sigh, he brought his hand back to her neck. "Fine, be that way."

As soon as he had let go, she turned and grabbed him. She kissed him quickly and passionately before pulling away. "Now I have to redo my lipstick. I hope you're happy."

"Of course. A kiss from my gorgeous wife, how could I not be happy?" He smiled at her before putting the lid on her travel mug and holding it out to her.

"I'm going to get you back for the tickling."

"I'll look forward to it." He told her, his eyes sparkling.

She shook her head at him before grabbing all her things and heading for the door.

"Want me to get the door?" He asked as she left the kitchen, juggling all her stuff.

"I'm quite capable of opening a door," she told him as she made her way to the hallway.

He shrugged and began putting away her breakfast things.

"Danny?" she called from the front door.


"Can you open the door? I have too much stuff in my hands."

He smiled softly and went to help her. "Hey, you said something before about getting killed by vending machines. How does that happen?"

She sighed loudly and rolled her eyes. "I'm leaving now."

He watched her go before shrugging his shoulders, closing the door, and heading for the shower.

*** (mid- Mr. Willis)

"Can I come?" Danny wandered around CJ's office while she sat at her desk. She knew it had been a mistake to tell him about the Senior Staff, plus Mallory and Zoey, planning a night out on the town.


"Why not?"

CJ sighed. "We're not going out in public, Danny."

"I want to be seen in public with my wife. I know we can't make out or any-"


He grinned at her. "Let me take you out to dinner."

She slammed her drawer shut and whirled to face him. "I said no. In fact, I've said it several times. Do I need to say it in a different language?"

"CJ, no one cares. But I want to go out on a date with you, a real date."

She shook her head as he continued.

"You don't even want to know what I want to do that involves your desk."

"Get out."

"What?" He stared at her. "CJ?"

"Not in my office. I will talk to you at home about this."

"Fine." Danny turned to the door. "Later."

She watched him go, wincing when he slammed the door.

*** (post- Mr. Willis)

She crept through the door, amazed at how late it was. The poker game had gone on forever. As she slipped off her shoes, she finally let herself think about Danny and the fight they had had in her office.

"CJ, that you?"

"No, it's Glinda the Good Witch."

"Okay, you'll do."

"Do what?"

He rounded the corner and smirked at her.

"Never mind." She sighed. "Danny. This afternoon in my office..."

He held up a hand. "Let's agree to disagree."

"Are you going to be more professional at work?"

"CJ, I can't turn off my feelings for you. But I'll try to tone it down."

She smiled. "Thank you."

"I'm going to play hard to get until you change your mind about being seen with me in public."


"Come to bed. You have to be up again in twenty minutes."

She smirked. "Seems like it. Okay, I'll drop it for now."

He held out his hand and led her to their bedroom.

*** (mid- The State Dinner)

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel...
Really now, we've had this discussion. You can't ask me what I'm wearing to a State Dinner in public! At least, not in that tone you have, the one that made the rest of the world disappear. Already it's hard not touching you at work
And then you get in my face and ask me about clothes and stare at my body.
Oh, yes, Daniel. I've noticed you looking me up and down. Could you be any more obvious?
Did you forget we're trying to be discreet at work?

Danny grinned as he folded the paper. He wished he was on the dance floor with CJ now, touching her in that gray dress. Instead he was supposed to be filing his story. The note CJ had slipped him, he had decided, was much more important.

He was broken out of his musings by the activity suddenly surrounding him. He snapped into reporter mode pulled out his notebook.

*** (mid- The State Dinner)

CJ typed methodically, focused on getting the wording right. She didn't notice Danny at her door, an amazed smile on his face as he looked at her. Even if she had realized he was there, she had forgotten she still wore the floor length gown.

He snapped out of his staring. "That's a nice dress."

CJ jumped and stopped typing to glance up. She brushed him aside to take care of work but he stayed, unnerving her. She knows that one day she will forget she is at work when she's around him, and it worries her. To ward it off this time, she gets in his face and confronts him about his flirting.

It doesn't ruffle him at all.

Then she attacks him for things he might have said, even though she's not sure how good the sources are. "Too friendly with the press." "A weak Press Secretary."

He protests the weak part, but not the friendly part. He knows she is too friendly with the reporters and doesn't want her to regret it later. But she is busy now, so he brushes it aside to deal with another day.

Her voice stops him. "You really like the dress?"

His voice softens as he stares at her. "Yes."

She smiles, pleased. Then she berates herself and dismisses him. "Whatever."

He smiles as he leaves her to her work, hoping he will be able to get to her apartment later to help her out of the dress.

*** (post- The State Dinner)

"Where have you been?"

She turned from the mirror in the bedroom and raised her eyebrow at him. "Getting a manicure. Where do you think I've been?"

He smirked. "Sorry. I've just been sitting here for hours, thinking of you in that dress."

Her expression melted into a smile as she relaxed. "Really?"

"I was very lonely." He gave her a sad look and she laughed.

"Come over here."

He obeyed quickly, going to stand in front of her. She gave him a long kiss.

"So you sat here waiting for me?" She asked when they parted. "Just twiddling your thumbs?"

"Well..." he hedged. "I caught the end of the game and did some writing."

She laughed. "Well, now you can wait while I do my hair." She turned back to the mirror and began removing her jewelry.

He grabbed the brush from the table and ran it gently through her hair. Her hands stilled as he carefully untangled the knots. She closed her eyes and a contented smile settled on her lips. He concentrated on her hair until it was smooth before setting the brush back on the table.

"You didn't take off your necklace." He observed. "What's taking you so long?"

She turned and saw the satisfied smile on his face. He knew what his touch had done to her, she realized. She stood, placing her jewelry on the table before advancing towards him.

"Are you done with your writing?" she whispered in his ear.


"I think it's time for bed."

"I think it's time for sleep." He told her, looking into her tired eyes.

"But-" she was interrupted when she couldn't stop the yawn. She looked at him sheepishly.

"You need sleep." He told her. "Come home at a decent time soon."

"I'll try, but you know what it's like-" She began.

He held up his hand. "I know, I didn't mean that as an attack."

She sighed. "Guess I'm on edge. I'm going to the bathroom to get changed."

He grinned. "Don't trust me to keep my hands off you?"

"Nope." She grabbed her pajamas and headed for the bathroom. When she came back out, he was already in bed. She settled next to him and was asleep within minutes. He watched her for a little while, running his fingers gently through her hair. Finally, he wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep.

*** (mid Enemies)

Danny sighed as he walked to CJ's office, not liking what he was about to do. As he reporter, he knew he had a lead and he knew he had to follow it.

As her husband, he dreaded it.

She greeted him, hard at work as she listened to him ask about Hoynes. He got through with it as quickly as possible so he could focus on more important things- like flirting with her.

He tried to convince her, again, to date him. She pushed him away in no uncertain terms and he left hoping she would have a good feeling after, even though he had talked about Hoynes.

He went to find Hoynes for a comment, even though he didn't even want to talk to the man. After the talk, he walked away with nothing but a sense of wasted time.

*** (post Enemies)

Danny slipped into CJ's darkened apartment. He had been home, trying to sleep. Finally, he gave up and realized he couldn't sleep anymore without her near. He hoped she wouldn't mind waking up in the morning with a body next to her that hadn't been there when she went to sleep.

Then he saw her in the dark room, sitting on the window seat, illuminated by the light from the streetlights coming in through the window. She was staring out and hadn't seemed to hear him come in.

"CJ?" he whispered.

Without turning, she asked, "How much time would I get for maiming a Vice President?"

He nearly laughed, but caught himself. He wouldn't know what reaction she needed until he saw her face.

"Did you want some help with that?" he asked hesitantly.

She laughed and turned from the window. "He gave me a lecture today."


She stopped. "We're off the-"

"CJ." He cut her off. "Always. In this apartment, always."

She nodded. "I know. There just hasn't been anything so far... that I've wanted to talk to you about."

"Until your run-in with the bastard today."

"Danny!" she laughed. "Come here."

He joined her by the window. "So, a lecture?"

"Yeah." She sighed. "He's so arrogant. And not in a good way, like Josh."

He kissed the top of her head, content to stand there and wait if she needed to say more.

After a few moments, she broke the silence. "So. A song?"


"You wanted me to sing a song for you."

His eyes lit up. "Ever done the Jackal as a striptease?"

She laughed again, blushing. "A striptease, huh?" She considered a moment. "I don't know where my CD of the song is. When I moved-"

"I have it." He cut her off. "In my bag."

"You carry around a CD of the Jackal?"

He nodded.

She smiled, shaking her head. "Go get it."

*** (mid The Short List)

CJ fiddled with her earrings before giving herself another glance.

"You look amazing." Danny pulled a curl from the collar of her shirt, where it had been caught.

"You think so?"

"Well..." He trailed off, then waited for her to turn and glare at him. Then he laughed and kissed her cheek. "You're beautiful. And this Press Conference will go fine."

She sighed. "People might actually watch this one, with a Justice stepping down."

Danny laughed. "Don't count on it. But you look great. And when you announce Harrison as the-"

"Danny." Her voice and her look both warned him.

He grinned. "Had to do it, CJ. You're just so cute when you give me that look." He traced her eyebrows until her face relaxed into a smile. "But if you do want to leak a name-"


He put his hands up in surrender. "I'm here, that's all I'm saying." He grinned at her. "My job would be easier if you weren't such a good Press Secretary. You keep outfoxing me."

She raised an eyebrow and bit back a grin. "Outfoxing?"

"What's wrong with 'outfoxing'?"

She giggled and shook her head before turning to put the finishing touches on her make-up.

*** (mid The Short List: Monday night/Tuesday morning)

"So, I thought about searching your apartment."

CJ smiled as she slipped off her shoes. "Good evening to you too, Danny."

Danny glanced at his watch. "Morning, actually."

She sighed and sat heavily down on the chair opposite the couch, where Danny was lounging. "Right. So you were going to engage in an illegal search through my personal belongings."

"I was going to start in your lingerie drawer." He protested.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?"

"Well, I probably wouldn't have gone any farther."

CJ laughed, but quickly stopped herself. "And you'd be looking for?"

"Any items you hadn't worn for me. Yet."

She clamped down a smirk. "I meant-"

"I know. The drug thing, I think it's funny. And I thought, CJ seems pretty relaxed sometimes. She says it's my massages but..." He held up his hands. "My hands aren't that good."

"Are you trying to get a story?" CJ narrowed her eyes at him.

"What?" He blinked. "I was just messing with you."

She stood. "I'm going to bed, I'll see you at work tomorrow."

"CJ." He stopped her from storming out. "I'm sorry, I was trying to be funny."

She sighed deeply. "I'll know that in the morning. Right now, I'm very tired. I'm going to bed."

Danny sighed and let her walk away before settling back down on the couch. He tossed and turned for a little while before giving up. He made his way silently to the bedroom door. It was wide open and he looked in to see CJ already asleep. He slipped into bed, smiling when she snuggled up to him. Only then did he fall asleep.

*** (mid The Short List)

"Goldfish." He muttered as he walked away from Josh. He learned something new about his wife every day. He glanced at his watch. He had to fit in time to go to a pet store. And he had to get the fish through security at the White House. He couldn't give it to her at home, there would be too many questions if Josh didn't see Danny taking his advice.

He sighed. Pet store, security, strange looks from everyone he came into contact with on his way to CJ's office, he mentally listed the plans for the rest of his day.

*** (post The Short List)

CJ hummed to herself as she walked into her bedroom. She stopped suddenly as she caught sight of an object on her bed.


Danny peeked his head in from the hallway. "Yeah?"

"What is that?" she pointed.

"Well, what does it look like?" He put his arm around her waist.

"A goldfish. Actually, many of them."

"Gail has to stay at the office, right?"

She smiled. "Yes, Gail has to be near me at the office. I need her there."

"So this goldfish will stay here."

CJ slipped out of his arms to give the stuffed animal a hug. "And the box of crackers?"

He grinned. "Those are to prove I do know how to listen."

"Come here." She held out her arms and he hugged her. She kissed him on the cheek, like she had in her office.

"You know, you kissed me in your office."

"I noticed that."

"I thought you said no kissing at work."

She glanced away, blushing. "I got carried away. Sorry."

"I was surprised," he told her, then hurried to reassure her. "But don't be sorry. I had to restrain myself from pulling you onto your desk."

She grinned. "And here?" She stepped closer and traced a finger along his lips.

He pulled her closer in an instant and kissed her passionately. "Why don't you get rid of that fish?" He whispered when they parted.

She threw it onto the chair, before grabbing the crackers and sending them flying to rest next to the toy. She laid down on the bed, fluttering her lashes at him.

He grinned and sat next to her. "I love you."

"I know. I love you." She pulled him down and kissed his face gently.

"I think you're wearing too many clothes." He told her as he undid the buttons on her blouse.

She smiled. "You too." Suddenly, her hand stilled. "What's that?"

"It's music." Danny sat up. "I think it's-"

She jumped up and ran for her jacket.

"Your cell." He whispered as she answered.

She left the room as she talked. When she came back in, her blouse was buttoned again and she had a resigned expression on her face. "I have to go."

He smiled sadly. "Lillienfield or Harrison?"

"Could be one of those." she hedged, an annoyed expression growing on her face.

"I just want to know who to write a nasty article about." Danny grinned.

She laughed and relaxed. "Sorry." She kissed him quickly. "We'll finish this later."

He nodded and she left, gathering shoes and bags on her way out. As he heard the front door close, he fell back on the bed with a resigned sigh.


Part 2