Disclaimer: Hi-ho, hi-ho, I have no work to go to... dang, that didn't rhyme. Well, I'm borrowing them until I have a real job, I need something to relieve the boredom.

Note: This is now for Kat, Spooky, and maybe Rhonda... and still soft lite


Danny eased her out of the cab. He paid the cabby, then let CJ lean on him as he guided her up the steps to her apartment building.



"Wake up, honey. We're at your apartment, I need your key."

"You called me honey again." She tried to glare at him, but the light from the sun made her close her eyes again and lean more heavily on Danny.

"Keys." He ordered, ignoring her protest of the endearment.

"Purse." She sneezed again, then groaned. "That hurt my head."

He held up the purse to her and waited for her to take it. "If you don't go through this, I will."

She waved him off. "Go ahead."

He stared at her a moment, knowing how protective most women were of their purses. He finally began rifling through it. He pulled out a key ring. "Found it. Which one is for this door?"

"The gold one."

He laughed. "All but one are gold, CJ."

"Then it's not that one." she told him, then grabbed for the water bottle he held in his hand.

"Thanks for the help." He told her as he began to try each key. "Hey, look at that. CJ, the silver one is for this door."

She concentrated. "Oh, that's right. My apartment door is a gold key."

He sighed and opened the door to guide her into the lobby. Making sure it was shut behind him, he looked around to locate the elevator.

"CJ?" He got no response except more sniffles. "Where's the elevator?"

"Out of order. It's always out of order." She attempted to stand on her own and wobbled towards the stairs. He watched for a moment, then caught up with her and held onto her waist.

"I wish I could carry you up these stairs."

"Why can't you?" she asked. "Are you saying I'm fat?"

He stared at her, trying to figure out if she was joking. "Are you kidding me, CJ?" He ran his hand down her waist and hoped her shiver was from his touch. "Well, I have been working out a bit."

She ran a hand over his chest and purred, "I noticed."

He swallowed and reminded himself that she was sick and probably drugged up. "Let's get you upstairs." He rejected the idea of carrying her and instead supported most of her weight as she held onto the railing for dear life.

"Danny, make the room stop spinning." She whimpered at the first landing.

"Close your eyes, I'll tell you when you need to step."

She obeyed and they made it to her floor silently, except the occasional sneeze.

"Which way?"

"Left. Last one on the right." Danny guided her to her door.

"We're here." He found her key on the last one he tried and opened the door. "Now you need to sleep."

He eased her into her doorway. She leaned against it and stared at him. "Aren't you coming in?"

"It wouldn't look right, CJ. You know that, at least you normally know that."

She smiled softly. "Are you coming in?"


Part 3: Chills